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Images © by Steve Croy


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Images © by Steve Croy


CSS Template templatemo.
Images © by Steve Croy


A new Western novel is nearing completion. Blood Claim should be published early next year. The fourth installment of the Broken Saga, a science fiction series, is available now.I had requests to continue the saga of David Castillo and SARACEN, his AI implant. The novel is available on Barnes & Noble for Nook readers and on Amazon for Kindle readers. If you prefer to turn the pages yourself, a paperback edition is available on Amazon.If you are interested in my efforts in digital art, and photography, you can review some of my artwork on Deviant Art, an on-line artist community. Happy Halloween!

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This is an iSoftwerks presentation.

Broken: Necrosis continues the story of David Castillo, first introduced in Broken: Genesis. David Castillo was human once. Circumstances beyond his control changed that. Alerted to the possibility that a new human/AI interface project is underway at IQRobotics, David decides to investigate. It is a calculated risk, one his symbiont, SARACEN, cautions against, but it may be necessary to prevent anyone from discovering they exist.

Click on a button for a peek at any book in the saga.


You can keep track of publications and projects by checking the tabs below.
Upcoming events will be posted as they are scheduled.

  • Way of the Snake

    Oct 4 2024

    Way of the Snake will be featured in a book event sponsored by Ashwood Square, Chattanooga Tennessee in November of 2024. Check back later in October for more details of the event! During the 1850s, immigrants from as far away as Australia flocked to California. San Francisco became home to a vast number of those immigrants. 1852 alone saw over twenty thousand Chinese file through customs. They worked in the mines and fields and helped build the First Transcontinental Railroad. Way of the Snake is a tale that acknowledges those contributions.

  • Blood Claim

    Oct 1 2024

    A first draft of the novel is nearing completion! A mining company sought gold in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Though aware there might be a claim on a promising location, no one knew who the owner was or where he might be found. The partners in the company decided to risk beginning operations without securing a title to the land, figuring they could settle any dispute with the courts or with guns if need be. They had no idea the claim’s owner wasn’t interested in money. Cal McLachlan wanted payment in blood from anyone trying to take the land he claimed as home.

  • Anasazi Trail!

    Oct 1 2024

    Anasazi Trail will be featured in a book event sponsored by the Audrey Pack Library of Spring City, Tennessee in November of 2024. Check back later in October for an update on the event! The Diné knew of the Anasazi when they came to this world but they were not alone in their journey to this world. First Angry followed them. The people have a proverb: Coyote is always out there waiting, and Coyote is always hungry. An author of mischief, it was Coyote who brought magic into the world. This magic spreads fear when such knowledge falls to someone with evil in their heart.

  • New Project!

    Sep 1 2024

    A mining company sought gold in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. Though aware there might be a claim on a promising location, no one knew who the owner was or where he might be found. The partners in the company decided to risk beginning operations without securing a title to the land, figuring they could settle any dispute with the courts or with guns if need be. They had no idea the claim’s owner wasn’t interested in money. Cal McLachlan wanted payment in blood from anyone trying to take the land he claimed as home.

  • Broken Necrosis!

    ASep 1 2024

    Though he isn’t sure he still lives, Sergei Prokov would like to locate David Castillo. It would allow his researchers to reverse-engineer the AI chips in his body. The current development of human brain implants is proceeding too slowly for him. Prokov is desperate to speed the development of the AI technology he hopes will halt the disease that will eventually devour his brain. AI robotic development within the company provides the budget for the HAIIT (Human Artificial Intelligence Implant Technology )Project. However, it leads to the production of a walking, thinking, and killing machine. Its up to David and SARACEN to halt the project.

  • Dinosaur Heresies!

    Aug 8 2024

    Saturday, Jul 27 From 11 AM - 12 PM at the Meigs-Decatur Public Library in Decatur, Tennessee join me for a discussion on dinosaurs. What were dinosaurs? Were they lizards? When did the first dinosaurs appear? Were all dinosaurs enormous? Did dinosaurs fly? I hope everyone will find the presentation interesting. By the way, the book cover for Bones of the Earth, is composed of photos of fossils--the background is an image of a fossil ammonites enbedded in Jurassic Age shale. The foot bones belong to an Apatosaurus, a giant sauropod from the Jurassic. The skeleton of the beast is on display at the Tellus Science Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. For directions to the library, or more information about the Meigs-Decatur Library, click the button below.

  • Broken: Necrosis

    Jul 1 2024

    Book 4 of the Broken Saga on schedule to be published in late July. I hope the readers that requested the saga of David Castillo and SARACEN will be pleased with the new story. Necrosis introduces new characters including a new nemesis for David. If you haven't read the previous novels, Necrosis will still be a captivating read, exploring the notion of AI becoming sentient and whether or not AI might be the salvation or the downfall of humankind. Be sure to check out Broken: Genesis, Broken: Symbiosis, and Broken: Morphosis, if you haven't read the earlier novels in the saga.

    Visit the library and browse all of the books by Steve Croy. I hope you find something to pique your interest. The cover art for the Broken Saga comes from computer generated images. The fractal generator Mandelbulb3D was used to create the picture. Fractals are a form of non-Euclidean geometry and the resulting images can be fascinating. If you are interested in digital art, and photography, you can review some of artwork on my gallery at Deviant Art, an on-line artist community. . You may find some interesting background wallpapers for your desktop. Free downloads are available if you are a member.

  • Library Revised

    Jul 1 2024

    Book 4 of the Broken Saga is pending publication. The book is tentatively scheduled to be released in July 2024.The library page now has a link to a new page on the website featuring a preview of the coming novel.

    Visit the library and browse the books. I hope you find something to pique your interest. The cover art for the Broken Saga comes from computer generated images. The fractal generator Mandelbulb3D was used to create the picture. Fractals are a form of non-Euclidean geometry and the resulting images can be fascinating. Try the artwork link on the about page. You may find some interesting background wallpapers for your desktop, and you can read a short bio of the author.


Contact iSoftwerks if you have questions about a novel or how to order the books or send a note just to say hello!