CL Using BIFs

Using Built-In-Functions
The scan built-in function (%SCAN) is designed to return the first position of a search argument in the source string, or 0 if the character(s) was not found. The %SCAN fucntion in the CL below is performing the search of a character variable. It is looking for specific characters to determine if the file extension indicates it must be decrypted.
. . . /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check the file name to determine if the file needs decrypting. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHGVAR VAR(&FILETYPE) VALUE(' ') JOBFILE: IF COND(%SCAN('.job' &FILEPATH) *NE 0 *OR + %SCAN('.JOB' &FILEPATH) *NE 0) + THEN(CHGVAR VAR(&FILETYPE) VALUE('J')) IF COND(&FILETYPE *EQ 'J') THEN(GOTO + CMDLBL(CALLS)) Decrypt: IF COND(%SCAN('.pgp' &FILEPATH) *NE 0 *OR + %SCAN('.PGP' &FILEPATH) *NE 0) + THEN(CHGVAR VAR(&FILETYPE) VALUE('P')) IF COND(&FILETYPE *EQ 'P') THEN(GOTO + CMDLBL(CALLS)) UNZIP: IF COND(%SCAN('.zip' &FILEPATH) *NE 0 *OR + %SCAN('.ZIP' &FILEPATH) *NE 0) + THEN(CHGVAR VAR(&FILETYPE) VALUE('Z')) gzZIP: IF COND(%SCAN('.gz' &FILEPATH) *NE 0 *OR + %SCAN('.GZ' &FILEPATH) *NE 0) + THEN(CHGVAR VAR(&FILETYPE) VALUE('G')) . . .
The scan below performs much the same task. The difference is prefacing the scan operation
with the %UPPER function. This guarantees the character string will be all uppercase
. . . /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Determine the file type from the file name. Check to see if */ /* the file is a PDF-type file. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHGVAR VAR(&FILEPATH) VALUE(%UPPER(&FILEPATH)) IF COND(%SCAN('.PDF' &FILEPATH) *EQ 0) + THEN(CALLSUBR SUBR(UPLOADDTA)) ENDDO . . .
The &TRIMR function works similar to the *TCAT operation in previous releases of CL.
The *TCAT (or |<) operator trims trailing blanks from the first string before appending the second string.
. . . /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If a document was produced, copy the file to the export folder */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ RTVMBRD FILE(QTEMP/&FILENAME) NBRCURRCD(&RCD) IF COND(&RCD *EQ 0) THEN(GOTO CMDLBL(EXIT)) CHGVAR VAR(&EXPFILE) VALUE(&EXPFOLDER *TCAT &PRE + *TCAT &CMP *CAT &ORDER *TCAT '.xml') CPYTOIMPF FROMFILE(QTEMP/&FILENAME) TOSTMF(&EXPFILE) + MBROPT(*REPLACE) STMFCODPAG(*PCASCII) + RCDDLM(*CRLF) DTAFMT(*FIXED) EXIT: DLTF FILE(QTEMP/&FILENAME) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) UNLOCK: CHKIFSOBJ PATHFILE(&CHKOBJECT) FOUND(&FOUND) IF COND(&FOUND) THEN(DO) DEL OBJLNK(&CHKOBJECT) MONMSG MSGID(CPFA0A9 CPFA095) ENDDO RETURN /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Lock subroutine, check to see if the folder is locked before */ /* putting files into the directory. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SUBR SUBR(LOCKDIR) CALL PGM(ADM005RP) PARM('ADMGV001' 'DIR' &RETURN) CHGVAR VAR(&INDIR) VALUE(&RETURN) CALL PGM(ADM005RP) PARM('ADMGV001' 'FIL' &RETURN) CHGVAR VAR(&INFILE) VALUE(&RETURN) CHGVAR VAR(&INPROCESS) VALUE(&INDIR *TCAT &INFILE) CHGVAR VAR(&CHKOBJECT) VALUE(&EXPFOLDER *TCAT '/' + *TCAT &INFILE) . . .