CL Copy stream files
CL can be used to copy ASCII stream files to EBCIDIC files.

Copying from stream files
The Copy From Stream File (CPYFRMSTMF) command copies the data in a stream file to either a database file member or a save file. Optional conversion of the data and reformatting is performed when copying a database file member. The command in the program below copies the data in stream file in named in the variable &FILEPATH, to a work file. The target database file member is /QSYS.LIB/QTEMP.LIB/CSGADRWF.FILE/CSGADRWF.MBR. The character LF is recognized as the end of a stream file line. Any embedded tabs are not expanded with blanks. The only line-formatting character that will be recognized is LF pairing as identified by CCSID (specified by the STMFCCSID parameter).
/*********************************************************************/ /* Program Name -CSG300CL */ /* */ /* Function - This program was designed to read the CSG import */ /* directory and manage any certificate mailing data. */ /* */ /* Programmer - Steve Croy 99/99/9999 */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* Modification log */ /* */ /* Date Programmer Description */ /*********************************************************************/ PGM DCLPRCOPT DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(CSGRCV) BNDSRVPGM((ISI000SV)) DCL VAR(&IMPFOLDER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(200) DCL VAR(&ARCFOLDER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(200) DCL VAR(&MSGKEY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) DCL VAR(&PGMNAME) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) DCL VAR(&FUNCTION) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(25) DCL VAR(&PROGRAM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(15) DCL VAR(&SENDER) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(80) DCL VAR(&FILEPATH) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(200) DCL VAR(&RTNVALUE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(200) DCL VAR(&ARCFLAG ) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(4) DCL VAR(&DATATYP) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) DCL VAR(&jobNAME) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(25) DCL VAR(&JOBTYPE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) DCL VAR(&POS) TYPE(*UINT) LEN(2) DCL VAR(&ERROR) TYPE(*LGL) LEN(1) RTVJOBA TYPE(&JOBTYPE) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the program name */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ SNDPGMMSG MSG(' ') TOPGMQ(*SAME) MSGTYPE(*INFO) + KEYVAR(&MSGKEY) RCVMSG PGMQ(*SAME) MSGTYPE(*INFO) RMV(*YES) + SENDER(&SENDER) CHGVAR VAR(&PGMNAME) VALUE(%SST(&SENDER 56 10)) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Get the CSG inbound folder. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHGVAR VAR(&PROGRAM) VALUE(&PGMNAME) CHGVAR VAR(&FUNCTION) VALUE('IMPFOLDER') CALL PGM(ISI005RP) PARM(&PROGRAM &FUNCTION &IMPFOLDER) CHGVAR VAR(&FUNCTION) VALUE('ARCFOLDER') CALL PGM(ISI005RP) PARM(&PROGRAM &FUNCTION &ARCFOLDER) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Read the inbound files. Check to see if any are POM, Bulk or */ /* Certified data files. Add to data files. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ DLTF FILE(QTEMP/CSGIMPWF) /* sac01 */ MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) /* sac01 */ CRTPF FILE(QTEMP/CSGIMPWF) RCDLEN(307) TEXT('CSG: + Work file for ascii imports') + SIZE(*NOMAX) /* sac01 */ LIST: CALL PGM(ISI010RP) PARM(&IMPFOLDER) READ: DOUNTIL COND(&FILEPATH *EQ '*****') CALL PGM(ISI020RP) PARM(&FILEPATH) IF COND(&FILEPATH *NE '*****') THEN(DO) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Determine the file type from the file name. */ /* If the file contains Policy index data, execute the upload. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CHGVAR VAR(&FILEPATH) VALUE(%UPPER(&FILEPATH)) /* + sac01 */ IF COND(%SCAN('.PDF' &FILEPATH) *EQ 0) + THEN(CALLSUBR SUBR(UPLOADDTA)) ENDDO ENDREAD: ENDDO /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Once the data index files have been built read the directory for */ /* a list of the image files. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ PDFLIST: CALL PGM(ISI010RP) PARM(&IMPFOLDER) STARTIMG: DOUNTIL COND(&FILEPATH *EQ '*****') CALL PGM(ISI020RP) PARM(&FILEPATH) /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* If the file contains Policy index data, execute the upload. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ IF COND(&FILEPATH *NE '*****') THEN(DO) CHGVAR VAR(&FILEPATH) VALUE(%UPPER(&FILEPATH)) /* + sac01 */ IF COND(%SCAN('.PDF' &FILEPATH) *NE 0) + THEN(CALLSUBR SUBR(UPLOADPDF)) ENDDO ENDLIST: ENDDO TERMINATE: DLTF FILE(QTEMP/CSGIMPWF) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) RETURN /*==================================================================*/ /* 1. Copy file to CSG data work file */ /* 2. Call program to populate the index data file */ /*==================================================================*/ IDXDATA: SUBR SUBR(UPLOADDTA) CLRPFM FILE(CSGDATPF) CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF(&FILEPATH) + TOMBR('/QSYS.LIB/QTEMP.LIB/CSGIMPWF.FILE/CS+ GIMPWF.MBR') MBROPT(*REPLACE) + STMFCCSID(*STMF) ENDLINFMT(*LF) CPYFRMIMPF FROMFILE(CSGIMPWF) TOFILE(CSGDATPF) + MBROPT(*ADD) RCDDLM(*LF) FLDDLM('|') + RPLNULLVAL(*FLDDFT) CALL PGM(CSG300RP) PARM(&FILEPATH) CALLSUBR SUBR(ARCHIVESR) ENDSUBR /*==================================================================*/ /* 1. Call program to push PDF to SolCom */ /*==================================================================*/ IMAGES: SUBR SUBR(UPLOADPDF) CALL PGM(CSG310RP) PARM(&FILEPATH &ARCFLAG) IF COND(&ARCFLAG *EQ '*YES') THEN(CALLSUBR + SUBR(ARCHIVESR)) ENDSUBR /*==================================================================*/ /* move file to archive */ /*==================================================================*/ SUBR SUBR(ARCHIVESR) RETRY: CHGVAR VAR(&ERROR) VALUE('0') MOV OBJ(&FILEPATH) TODIR(&ARCFOLDER) MONMSG MSGID(CPFA0A0) EXEC(DO) CHGVAR VAR(&ERROR) VALUE('1') CALL PGM(CSG305RP) PARM(&FILEPATH &ARCFOLDER) ENDDO IF COND(&ERROR) THEN(GOTO CMDLBL(RETRY)) ENDSUBR ENDPGM
File not copied
The error message, CPFA095 will be issued if the copy fails. If a save operation is in progress the target file or stream file may not be accessed. The code below was created to monitor the error message and retry the copy command if the initial attempt to copy the stream file failed. It did solve the problem.
/*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Retry the copy from stream file. Occasionally, the file */ /* ADMDTAPF will be unavailable (backups) and the copy will fail. */ /* Delay the job, then try the copy file again. */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ COPY: CPYFRMSTMF FROMSTMF(&FILEPATH) TOMBR(&DB2FILE) + MBROPT(*REPLACE) MONMSG MSGID(CPFA095) EXEC(DO) DLYJOB DLY(60) GOTO CMDLBL(COPY) ENDDO