CL Generic Message Programs
CL provides an easy method of managing messages queues.

Simplify Message Queue Management with CL
These three small programs can simplify message handling for HLL applications. They have been used as subprograms in an OPM environment and as bound procedures in ILE applications.
Remove a message
This program functions to remove an entry from a program message queue from any CL, or HLL program.
**************************************************************************/ /* Program Id........... SC0005CL - Remove a program message */ /* */ /* */ /* Compiler options..... *OWNER */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATION LOG */ /* */ /* DATE PROGRAMMER DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ PGM PARM(&PRGNAM) DCL VAR(&PRGNAM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) RMVMSG PGMQ(*SAME &PRGNAM) CLEAR(*ALL) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) ENDPGM
Retrieve a Message
This program functions as a message text receiver. It gets message data from the specified file and returns to the calling program.
/*************************************************************************/ /* Program Id........... SC0010CL - Retreive message text */ /* */ /* Compiler options..... *OWNER */ /* */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATION LOG */ /* */ /* DATE PROGRAMMER DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ PGM PARM(&MSGID + &MSGFILE + &MSGDTA + &MSG + ) DCL VAR(&MSGID) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(7) DCL VAR(&MSGFILE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) DCL VAR(&MSGDTA) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(132) DCL VAR(&MSG) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(80) CHGVAR VAR(&MSG) VALUE(' ') RTVMSG MSGID(&MSGID) MSGF(*LIBL/&MSGFILE) + MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) MSG(&MSG) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(DO) CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 1 10)) VALUE('Message ID') CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 12 7)) VALUE(&MSGID) CHGVAR VAR(%SST(&MSG 20 22)) VALUE('not found in ' + *CAT &MSGFILE *TCAT '.') ENDDO END: ENDPGM
Send a Message
This program functions as a command to send messages to a program queue of a CL, or HLL program.
/*************************************************************************/ /* Program Id........... SC0015CL - Send Program Message */ /* */ /* Compiler options..... *OWNER */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* PROGRAM INTERFACE SECTION */ /* */ /* CALLED BY PROGRAMS: */ /* CALLS PROGRAMS: */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATION LOG */ /* */ /* DATE PROGRAMMER DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /*************************************************************************/ /*=======================================================================*/ /* Program and Declarative Section: */ /*=======================================================================*/ PGM PARM(&MSGID &MSGF &MSGDTA &RELQ &PGM) DCL VAR(&MSGID) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(7) DCL VAR(&MSGF) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) DCL VAR(&MSGDTA) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(132) DCL VAR(&RELQ) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(5) DCL VAR(&PGM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) SNDPGMMSG MSGID(&MSGID) MSGF(&MSGF) MSGDTA(&MSGDTA) + TOPGMQ(&RELQ &PGM) MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) ENDPGM
Procedure Prototypes
The procedure prototypes for these CLLE programs are simple. The remove message operation only requires the name of the message queue. The retrieve message operation needs the name of the message file that contains the text. This can be important in a multi-language environment, if the library list is not manipulated to accommodate different language text for the application. For example, there might be a default message file in English and separate message files for Spanish, French, or German text.D RmvMessage PR extpgm('SC0005CL') D msgpgm 10 D RtvMessage PR extpgm('SC0010CL') D msgid 7 D msgfl 10 D msgdta 132 D msgtxt 80 D SndMessage PR extpgm('SC0015CL') D msgid 7 D msgfl 10 D msgdta 132 D msgrls 5 D msgpgm 10