CL & Bound Procedures
CLP can use ILE binding just like other HLL programs.

Confirming Using API
/*********************************************************************/ /* PROGRAM NAME - SCSIMBTRC */ /* */ /* FUNCTION - Shell to show prompt and confirm text for the */ /* job to upload return files. */ /* */ /* PROGRAMMER - STEVE CROY xx/xx/xxxx */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATION LOG */ /* */ /* DATE PROGRAMMER DESCRIPTION */ /*********************************************************************/ PGM DCLPRCOPT DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(SCSRPT) + BNDSRVPGM((MST0002SV)) DCL VAR(&JOBKEY) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(3) DCL VAR(&TXT1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(255) VALUE('This + is a request to submit the SCS mail trace + return file upload. Are you sure you want + to submit this upload request? Press + ENTER to continue or F12 to cancel this + action.') DCL VAR(&TXT2) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(27) + VALUE('SCSIMBTRC - Warning') MONMSG MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(EXITPGM)) CALLPRC PRC(SETJOBKEY) CALLPRC PRC(DISPLAYMESSAGE) PARM((&TXT1 *BYREF) + (&TXT2 *BYREF)) CALLPRC PRC(GETJOBKEY) RTNVAL(&JOBKEY) IF COND(&JOBKEY *NE 'F3' *AND &JOBKEY *NE + 'F12') THEN(DO) SBMJOB CMD(CALL PGM(SCS071CL)) JOB(SCSIMBTRC) + JOBQ(*LIBL/CYCJOBQ) USER(SCROYSC) ENDDO CALLPRC PRC(SETJOBKEY) EXITPGM: RETURN ENDPGM
This program shows CL binding to some system API's to confirm the an action. Each CALLPRC represents a call to a bound procedure. In this case the program accesses procedures SETJOBKEY, GETJOBKEY, and DISPLAYMESSAGE, procedures that were created to use IBM API's to provide a test display (without a display file) and allow the program to determine what function key was used. This forces the user to confirm the action before the program submits a job.
Since the CL program is bound to the APIs, there is no requirement for a display file to be included in the program. The dedualt job keys are set. The message is displayed using a text variable defined in the program. The procedure GETJOBKEY returns the user's response. If the ENTER key was used (confirming the action) the job continues to execute. If not, the process is conceled.
/*********************************************************************/ /* Program Name - EFS010CL */ /* */ /* Function - This program was designed to build EFS Recon 1 */ /* format data and move the data to the IFS */ /* */ /* Programmer - Steve Croy 06/06/2015 */ /*********************************************************************/ /*********************************************************************/ /* Modification log */ /* */ /* Date Programmer Description */ /* xx/xx/xx xxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */ /*********************************************************************/ PGM DCLPRCOPT DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP(FTPS) BNDDIR(EFS001_BD) DCL VAR(&TYP1) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(1) VALUE('C') DCL VAR(&IFSFILE) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(120) DCL VAR(&FILENAME) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(40) DCL VAR(&FILEPATH) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(128) DCL VAR(&PROGRAM) TYPE(*CHAR) LEN(10) CALLPRC PRC(GETAPOUTBOUNDPATH) RTNVAL(&FILEPATH) CALLPRC PRC(GETRECON1FILENAME) PARM((&TYP1)) + RTNVAL(&FILENAME) CALLPRC PRC(GETAPRECON1PGM) RTNVAL(&PROGRAM) CHGVAR VAR(&IFSFILE) VALUE(&FILEPATH |< &FILENAME ) CLRPFM FILE(EFS3467F) CALL PGM(&PROGRAM) CPYTOIMPF FROMFILE(EFS3467F) TOSTMF(&IFSFILE) + MBROPT(*REPLACE) STMFCCSID(*PCASCII) + RCDDLM(*CRLF) DTAFMT(*FIXED) TERMINATE: ENDPGM
In the sample above CALLPRC commands, the call to bound procedures, uses the return value (RTNVAL) to populate the program variables. One of the values returned is the name of a program. The CLP then makes a dynamic call to the program named by the bound procedure.