RPG OPM fixed-format

RPG was once a fixed-format language.

Fixed-format RPG, rightly or wrongly, is always associated with the Original Program Model (OPM) style of application development. This is an OPM example of an interactive program.The absence of the MAIN keyword is an message to the compiler signaling that traditional RPG cycle instructions are included in the executable module. All cycle processing instructions such as level totals, and primary file operations are functional. In current terms this type of program would be called a Cycle-Main program as opposed to a Linear-Main program.

1 - All heading and detail lines (H or D in position 17 of the output specifications) are processed.
2 - The next input record is read and the record identifying and control level indicators are set on.
3 - Total calculations are processed. They are conditioned by an L1 through L9 or LR indicator, or an L0 entry.
4 - All total output lines are processed. (identified by a T in position 17 of the output specifications).
5 - It is determined if the LR indicator is on. If it is on, the program is ended.
6 - The fields of the selected input records are moved from the record to a processing area. Field indicators are set on.
7 - All detail calculations are processed (those not conditioned by control level indicators in positions 7 and 8 of the calculation specifications) on the data from the record read at the beginning of the cycle.

The Cycle Reads and Writes

This program was designed to create a popup window to overlay whatever panel was on display. It allowed the user to enter a system command, similar to the command line offered by the OS.

      * PROGRAM NAME - MIS420RP                                      *
      *                                                              *
      *                                                              *
      * PROGRAMMER   - STEVE CROY        12/15/89                    *
      *                   MODIFICATION LOG                           *
      *                                                              *
      *  DATE   PROGRAMMMER     DESCRIPTION                          *
      *                                                              *
      *               PROGRAM INTERFACE SECTION                      *
      *                                                              *
      *  CALLED BY PROGRAMS:                                         *
      *  CALLS PROGRAMS:                                             *
      *               ** INDICATOR USAGE ***                         *
      *          ** ON **                     ** OFF **              *
      *                                                              *
      *  60  -- DUMMY INDICATOR FOR SETATNPGM                        *   
      *  70  -- ROLLUP                                               *
      *  CF12-- HELP                                                 *
      *  CF01-- EXIT                                                 *
      *  CF03-- DUPLICATE                                            *
      *  CF04-- PROMPT                                               *   
      *                                                              *
      *    ** ERROR INDICATORS **                                    *
      *          98               FIELD IS BLANK                     *
      *          96               CMD TO BE REPEATED IS FOUND        *
      *          94               THIS LINE NOT OCCUPIED BY A COMMAND*
      *          92               COMMAND IS TOO LONG; SHD BE < 256  *
      *          91               COMMAND TOO LONG TO BE DUPLICATED  *
      *     77 - 90               FIELDS 1-14 RSPCTVLY CONTAIN BLANKS*
      *          75               ERROR ON CALL "QCACHECK"           *
      *          73               FOUND THE NEXT COMMAND             *
      *                                                              *
      *   SUBROUTINES                   DESCRIPTION                  *
      *   BEGIN                     ONE TIME PASS ONLY SUBROUTINE    *
      *   DUPLIC                    DUPLICATE COMMAND - F9 PRESSED   *
      *   ENDPGM                    END THE PROGRAM - F3 PRESSED     *
      *   NORMAL                    PROCESS THE COMMAND              *
      *   PROMPT                    PROMPT THE COMMAND - F4 PRESSE D *
      *   ROLLUP                    ROLLUP THE DISPLAY               *
      *   HELP                      HELP - F12 DETECTED, HELP KEY    *
     FMIS420DFCP  F     281            WORKSTN
     F                                              KNUM        2
     F                                              KID    WSID
     F                                              KIND       69
     F                                              KINFDS FILEDS
     E                    CL      1   4 80               SET ATTENTION
     E                    FLD        14 20               INPUT FIELDS
     E                    FL2        14 20               STORE FLD HERE
     E                    FL3        14 20               FOR ECHOING CMDS
     E                    CMD       256  1               THE COMMAND
     E                    VAC        14  2               CMD/MSG IND
     IMIS420DFAA  69 281 C1
     I                                        1  20 FLD,1           77
     I                                       21  40 FLD,2           78
     I                                       41  60 FLD,3           79
     I                                       61  80 FLD,4           80
     I                                       81 100 FLD,5           81
     I                                      101 120 FLD,6           82
     I                                      121 140 FLD,7           83
     I                                      141 160 FLD,8           84
     I                                      161 180 FLD,9           85
     I                                      181 200 FLD,10          86
     I                                      201 220 FLD,11          87
     I                                      221 240 FLD,12          88
     I                                      241 260 FLD,13          89
     I                                      261 280 FLD,14          90
     IFILEDS      DS
     I*  File status data structure for cursor line position only
     I                                    B 370 3710CURSOR
     I                                      370 370 CURLIN
     I            DS
     I                                    B   1   20W$LINE
     I                                        2   2 WLINE
     I                                    B   3   40W$POS
     I                                        4   4 WPOS
     I*  Program status data structure
     I           SDS
     I                                     *PROGRAM PRGNAM
     I                                       43  46 MSGID
     I                                       91 170 ESSAGE
     I                                      244 253 JOB
     I                                      254 263 USER
     I                                      264 269 JOBNBR
     ILONGUN      DS
     I*  Data structure which includes question mark (?) for prompting
     I                                        1   1 QM
     I                                        2 255 MAIN
     C*                    M  A  I  N
     C           FIRST     CASEQ*BLANK    *INZSR           FIRST TIME ONLY
     C                     ENDCS
     C           WNDPRM    PLIST
     C                     PARM           P$PGM
     C                     PARM           P$FMT
     C                     SETOF                     75     Indicators off
     C                     MOVEA*IN,77    SAV14  14
     C           *INKC     CASEQ#ON       ENDPGM           F3- END PROGRAM
     C           *INKI     CASEQ#ON       DUPLIC           F9- REPEAT  CMD
     C           *INKD     CASEQ#ON       PROMPT           F4- PROMPT  CMD
     C           *INKA     CASEQ#ON       HELP             Help Request
     C           *IN70     CASEQ#ON       ROLLUP           ROLLUP detected
     C           SAV14     CASNE#EMPTY    NORMAL           NORMAL  PROCESS
     C                     ENDCS
     C           X         CASGE14        ROLLUP           MOVE DISPLAY UP
     C                     ENDCS                           IF NECESSARY
     C* Use the toggle key to determine if S/38 or AS/400
     C* command environment is to be used to check commands
     C           *INKJ     IFEQ #ON
     C           #S38      IFEQ #YES
     C                     MOVEL#NO       #S38
     C                     ELSE
     C                     MOVE #YES      #S38
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     MOVE #S38      *IN51
     C                     ENDIF
     C* Program initialization subroutine first time pass only
     CSR         *INZSR    BEGSR
     C                     MOVELPRGNAM    P$PGM  10        PROGRAM
     C                     MOVEL*BLANKS   P$FMT  10        FORMAT
     C                     MOVEL'1'       #YES    1
     C                     MOVEL'1'       #ON     1
     C                     MOVEL'0'       #OFF    1
     C                     MOVEL'0'       #NO     1
     C                     MOVEL'0'       #S38    1
     C                     Z-ADD1         #ONE    10
     C                     MOVELCL,1      W$CMD  80
     C                     CALL 'QCMDEXC'              60   SETATNPGM
     C                     PARM           W$CMD
     C                     PARM 80        CMDLEN
     C                     MOVE '?'       QM
     C                     Z-ADD*ZERO     NOC              Nbr of commands
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      X       20       First input
     C                     MOVE *ALL'1'   #EMPTY 14
     C                     MOVE '1'       FIRST   1
     CSR                   ENDSR
     CSR         DUPLIC    BEGSR
     C           X         DO   14        W       30       Clear unused
     C                     MOVE *BLANKS   FLD,W            portion
     C                     ENDDO
     C* Determine relative position of cursor to determine if cursor
     C* is at action line or, at succeeding lines
     C                     Z-ADD*ZEROS    W$LINE
     C                     Z-ADD*ZEROS    W$POS
     C                     MOVE CURLIN    WLINE            W$LINE NOW NUM
     C                     Z-ADDW$LINE    NO      30
     C                     Z-ADDW$LINE    Y       30
     C           NO        IFGT 3                          If  within the
     C           NO        ANDLT18                          screen display
     C                     SUB  3         NO                Which field?
     C                     MOVE VAC,NO    WHAT    2         CMD/MSG/BLK
     C           NO        IFGE X                           Repeat previus
     C                     MOVE NOC       WHAT              Get the number
     C                     ENDIF                            of last comand
     C                     ELSE                            Else its not in
     C                     GOTO ENDDUP                     Exit from  subr
     C                     ENDIF                           End "NO    IFGT
     C* Determine if cursor is positioned at a message or unused line
     C           WHAT      IFNE 'MM'                       IF NOT MSG
     C           WHAT      ANDNE'  '                       OR NOT BLANK
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      GO      20       GET THE FIRST
     C           WHAT      LOKUPVAC,GO                   96OCCURRENCE
     C* Determine where command begins and ends based on the array VAC
     C         96GO        DO   14        ZZ      20       GET THE LAST
     C           VAC,ZZ    COMP WHAT                 9494  DIFFT FR PREV
     C        N94          ENDDO                           ENDDO  "DO 14
     C           ZZ        IFNE GO                         NOT SAME LINE
     C           ZZ        SUB  GO        LS               NBR  OF LINES
     C                     SUB  #ONE      ZZ               THE LAST LINE
     C                     ELSE                            ELSE
     C                     MOVE #ONE      LS               ONE  LINE ONLY
     C                     ENDIF                           ENDIF "ZZ IFNE
     C                     MOVEAFLD,GO    FL3              SAVE IT FIRST
     C                     Z-ADDX         PS      20       A PSEUDO-X PTR
     C                     DO   LS        ZZ               DO SEVERAL TMS
     C                     MOVE FL3,ZZ    FLD,PS           FROM START UP
     C                     ADD  #ONE      PS               NEXT
     C* If beyond point of ROLLUP, execute the subroutine to roll
     C           PS        IFGT 14                         If beyond
     C                     EXSR ROLLUP                      ROLLUP
     C                     Z-ADDX         PS
     C                     Z-ADD*ZERO     ZZ
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDDO
     C                     ENDIF
     CSR         ENDDUP    ENDSR
     CSR         ENDPGM    BEGSR
     C                     SETON                       LR  CLOSE ALL
     C                     RETRN                           FILES AND
     CSR                   ENDSR                           RETURN
     CSR         NORMAL    BEGSR
     C* If not CF4 get the last line of the command; else this has been
     C*                                                    done already
     C           *INKD     IFNE '1'                        If  not  CF4
     C           1         DO   14        LS      20       Get last line
     C           91        SUB  LS        N       20       from the last
     C           *IN,N     COMP '1'                      98   on if blank
     C         98          ENDDO                           Enddo "1 DO 14
     C           N         SUB  76        LS               THE LAST LINE!
     C* Assemble the command to execute. Do first to last, assembling
     C* the command end-to-end. If the assembled command exceeds 256
     C* bytes, execute the end-program subroutine.
     C                     MOVEA*BLANKS   CMD,1
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      PT      30       Starting point
     C           X         DO   LS        VZ      20       First to last
     C                     MOVEAFLD,VZ    CMD,PT           Put end-to-end
     C                     ADD  20        PT               Next endpoint
     C           PT        COMP 256                  92
     C        N92          ENDDO                           Enddo "X DO LS
     C         92          EXSR ENDPGM
     C                     MOVEACMD       COMAND           VALID COMMAND
     C                     ENDIF
     C* Invoke the generic command execution program, if there are no
     C* syntax errors, execute the command and check for messages.
     C           *IN75     IFNE '1'
     C           #S38      IFEQ #YES
     C                     CALL 'MIS420CL'                 Execute command
     C           ESSAGE    PARM           COMAND256
     C                     PARM 256       CMDLEN 155
     C                     PARM ' '       ANYMSG  1
     C                     ELSE
     C                     CALL 'MIS421CL'                 Execute command
     C           ESSAGE    PARM           COMAND256
     C                     PARM 256       CMDLEN 155
     C                     PARM ' '       ANYMSG  1
     C                     ENDIF                           End "N75     DO
     C                     ENDIF                           End "N75     DO
     C* If error occurred on CF4 routine (*IN75=1) or message was received
     c* get the message and indicate message handling has been performed
     C           *IN75     IFEQ '1'
     C           ANYMSG    OREQ '1'
     C                     MOVELESSAGE    COMAND
     C           LS        IFLT 14                         Not  last  line
     C                     ADD  1         LS               Next  available
     C                     MOVELCOMAND    FLD,LS           First 20  bytes
     C                     MOVEA'MM'      VAC,LS
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN,75
     C                     MOVE '0'       ANYMSG
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDIF
     C* Protect used fields, place in array and turn off underline
     C* mark as executed command in VAC array
     C                     ADD  #ONE      NOC     20
     C                     MOVE NOC       NOCK    2
     C           1         DO   LS        LM      20
     C                     MOVE '1'       *IN,LM
     C           VAC,LM    IFEQ '  '
     C                     MOVEANOCK      VAC,LM
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDDO
     C* Increment X to get the value of next command input line
     C* Show colons for cursor positions
     C           LS        ADD  20        DT      20
     C                     MOVE '1'       *IN,DT
     C           LS        ADD  #ONE      X
     C                     ENDSR                           E X I T
     C           PROMPT    BEGSR
     C* If not empty get the last line of the command
     C                     MOVEA*BLANKS   CMD,1
     C           SAV14     IFNE #EMPTY                     ISN"T IT EMPTY
     C           1         DO   14        LS      20       GET  LAST LINE
     C           91        SUB  LS        N       20       FROM THE  LAST
     C           *IN,N     COMP '1'                      98IS ON IF BLANK
     C         98          ENDDO                           ENDDO GET LAST
     C           N         SUB  76        LS               THE LAST LINE!
     C* Assemble the command to execute. Do first to last, assembling
     C* the command end-to-end. If the assembled command exceeds 256
     C* bytes, execute the end-program subroutine.
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      PT      30
     C           X         DO   LS        VZ      20
     C                     MOVEAFLD,VZ    CMD,PT
     C                     ADD  20        PT
     C           PT        COMP 256                  92
     C        N92          ENDDO
     C           *IN92     CASEQ#ON       ENDPGM
     C                     ENDCS
     C                     ENDIF
     C* Call the prompter, move question mark and command into COMAND
     C* and perform syntax checking and prompt
     C                     MOVEACMD       COMAND
     C                     MOVE '    '    MSGID            Blank out
     C                     MOVELCOMAND    MAIN
     C                     MOVELLONGUN    COMAND
     C           #S38      IFEQ #YES
     C                     CALL 'QCACHECK'             75
     C                     PARM           COMAND
     C                     PARM 256       CMDLEN
     C                     ELSE
     C                     CALL 'QCMDCHK'              75
     C                     PARM           COMAND
     C                     PARM 256       CMDLEN
     C                     ENDIF
     C* If command syntax is correct adjust the screen
     C                     MOVEACOMAND    CMD              Valid Command
     C           *IN75     IFNE '1'
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      PT               Set the pointer
     C                     Z-ADDX         VZ               Set field point
     C                     MOVEACMD,PT    CMDER   3
     C           CMDER     DOWNE'   '
     C           VZ        IFGT 14
     C                     EXSR ROLLUP
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      PT
     C                     Z-ADDX         VZ
     C                     MOVEACMD,PT    CMDER
     C                     ELSE
     C                     MOVEACMD,PT    FLD,VZ           New comand goes
     C                     ADD  #ONE      VZ               to display only
     C                     ADD  20        PT               if its not very
     C           PT        COMP 256                  92    long; or else
     C           *IN92     IFEQ #OFF
     C                     MOVEACMD,PT    CMDER            To be compared
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDIF
     C        N92          ENDDO
     C           VZ        SUB  #ONE      LS               Adjust lastline
     C                     ELSE
     C           COMAND    IFNE *BLANKS                    If not empty
     C                     MOVELCOMAND    LONGUN           If cancelled
     C                     MOVELMAIN      COMAND           reshow screen
     C                     ENDIF                           Endif "COMAND
     C                     ENDIF                           Endif "IN75 IF
     C           COMAND    CASNE*BLANKS   NORMAL           No abort issued
     C                     ENDCS                           End "COMAND CAS
     CSR         ENDPRO    ENDSR
     CSR         ROLLUP    BEGSR
     C           X         DOULT14                         Until last two
     C           *IN70     ANDNE'1'                        and not rollup
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN70            Roll done once
     C* Initialize all save areas
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN73
     C                     MOVE *ALL'  '  SAYWOT 28
     C                     MOVE *ALL'0'   SAYIND 34
     C                     MOVEA*ALL' '   FL2
     C* Where to begin - the second command
     C                     MOVEAVAC,1     FCMEN   2        Change it to a
     C                     MOVE FCMEN     FCMDEN  20       numeric  field
     C                     ADD  #ONE      FCMDEN           then increment
     C                     MOVE FCMDEN    FCMEN            for next comand
     C           $REFND    TAG
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      K       20       Init pointer
     C           FCMEN     LOKUPVAC,K                    73=Next pointer
     C* If search for next command fails, search for next inputable line
     C           *IN73     IFNE '1'
     C                     MOVE '  '      FCMEN
     C                     GOTO $REFND
     C                     ENDIF
     C* Save pertinent fields before initializing
     C                     MOVEAFLD,K     FL2
     C                     MOVEAVAC,K     SAYWOT
     C                     MOVEA'000000'  *IN,15           Prevent fallout
     C                     MOVEA'000000'  *IN,34           Prevent fallout
     C                     MOVEA*IN,K     SAYIND
     C* Initialize those fields                            CLEAN UP
     C           1         DO   14        K
     C                     MOVE '  '      VAC,K
     C                     MOVE *ALL' '   FLD,K
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN,K
     C                     ADD  20        K                Especially the
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN,K            screen  indics
     C                     SUB  20        K                from 1-14,21-34
     C                     ENDDO
     C* Set previous values to fields from save areas, initialize the
     C* pointer using blanks to find the new value of X.
     C                     MOVEASAYWOT    VAC
     C                     MOVEAFL2       FLD
     C                     MOVEASAYIND    *IN
     C                     Z-ADD#ONE      X
     C           '  '      LOKUPVAC,X                    73=New pointer
     C           X         ADD  19        XS      20
     C* Test for any messages associated with the last command.
     C           *IN75     IFNE '1'                        If none
     C           ANYMSG    ANDNE'1'
     C           *INKD     IFNE '1'                        and not prompt
     C                     MOVE '1'       *IN,XS           put the colon
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ELSE                            Else get
     C                     MOVELESSAGE    COMAND           the following:
     C                     MOVELCOMAND    FLD,X
     C                     MOVEA'MM'      VAC,X            the message
     C                     MOVE '1'       *IN,X            the protector
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN,XS           colons
     C                     ADD  #ONE      X                next
     C           X         ADD  19        XS
     C                     MOVE '1'       *IN,XS
     C                     MOVE '0'       *IN,75           Reset message
     C                     MOVE '0'       ANYMSG           flags
     C                     ENDIF
     C                     ENDDO
     C                     ENDSR
     C           HELP      BEGSR
     C                     MOVEL'MIS42001'P$FMT
     C                     CALL 'MIS440CL'WNDPRM                       E
     C                     ENDSR
     OMIS420DFD        1P
     O       OR       N1PNKC
     O                                   K8 'MIS42001'
     O                         FLD,1     20
     O                         FLD,2     40
     O                         FLD,3     60
     O                         FLD,4     80
     O                         FLD,5    100
     O                         FLD,6    120
     O                         FLD,7    140
     O                         FLD,8    160
     O                         FLD,9    180
     O                         FLD,10   200
     O                         FLD,11   220
     O                         FLD,12   240
     O                         FLD,13   260
     O                         FLD,14   280
AS/400 Environment
S/38 Environment

Fixed-Format Sort

This is an example of a bubble sort in fixed-format RPG. The small array is loaded with three digit values. The entries are not in numerical sequence. The demo program loops through and performs a 'bubble' sort rearranging the values so that they are in sequence from lowest to highest.

 /TITLE ** DISPLAY BUBBLE SORT EXAMPLE **                             
H DEBUG(*YES)                                                         
FCH5P11    CF   E             WORKSTN                                 
F                                     INFDS(DSPDS)                    
 * Externally defined data structures                                
D KEYDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(MISKEYPF)              
D PGMDS         ESDS                  EXTNAME(MISSTSDA)              
D DSPDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(MISDSPDA)              
 * Array of 10, 3 digit numbers, defined as a data structure         
DARRAY            DS            30                                   
D  SEQ                           3  0                                
D                                     DIM(10) CTDATA PERRCD(10)      
 * data structure to hold array values before sort                   
D                 DS                  INZ                            
DBEFORE                         30                                   
D  Z$ARR0                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE)                
D  Z$ARR1                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:4)              
D  Z$ARR2                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:7)
D  Z$ARR3                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:10)             
D  Z$ARR4                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:13)             
D  Z$ARR5                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:16)             
D  Z$ARR6                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:19)             
D  Z$ARR7                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:22)             
D  Z$ARR8                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:25)             
D  Z$ARR9                        3  0 OVERLAY(BEFORE:28)             
 * data structure to hold after image of sorted array                
D                 DS                  INZ                            
DAFTER                          30                                   
D  Z$NEW0                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :1)              
D  Z$NEW1                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :4)              
D  Z$NEW2                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :7)              
D  Z$NEW3                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :10)             
D  Z$NEW4                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :13)             
D  Z$NEW5                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :16)             
D  Z$NEW6                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :19)             
D  Z$NEW7                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :22)             
D  Z$NEW8                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :25)                                
D  Z$NEW9                        3  0 OVERLAY(AFTER :28)                                
 * Define constants                                                                     
D #NO             C                   CONST('N')                                        
D #YES            C                   CONST('Y')                                        
 * START of work fields                                                                 
D END_SORT        S              1    INZ(#NO)                                          
D HOLD            S              3  0                                                   
D I               S              3  0 INZ(1)                               index        
D X               S              3  0 INZ(1)                               next element 
D NXT_PASS        S              3  0 INZ(10)                                           
D PASS            S              3  0 INZ(10)                                           
 * END of work fields                                                                   
 * Load array to the before image for display                                           
C                   MOVE      ARRAY         BEFORE                                            
C                   DOU       PASS = 1                                     Do until pass = 1  
C                   EVAL      END_SORT = #YES                              Assume sort complet
C                   EVAL      NXT_PASS = 1                                 Set element pass   
C                   EVAL      I = 1                                        Initialize index   
C                   EVAL      X = 1                                        Initialize X       
C                   DOW       NXT_PASS < 10                                While less than 10 
C                   EVAL      X = X + 1                                                       
C                   IF        SEQ(I) > SEQ(X)                              If an element was  
C                   EVAL      HOLD = SEQ(I)                                moved, do not end  
C                   EVAL      SEQ(I) = SEQ(X)                              the sort           
C                   EVAL      SEQ(X) = HOLD                                                   
C                   EVAL      END_SORT = #NO                                                  
C                   ENDIF                                                  End if             
C                   EVAL      I = I + 1                                    Increment index    
C                   EVAL      NXT_PASS = NXT_PASS + 1                      Increment elem pass
C                   ENDDO                                                  End inner loop     
C                   IF        END_SORT = #YES                              If elements are    
C                   EVAL      PASS = 1                                     sequenced end sort 
C                   ELSE                                                   else continue       
C                   EVAL      PASS = PASS - 1                              Decrement array pass
C                   ENDIF                                                  End if              
C                   ENDDO                                                  End do outer loop   
 * Load array to the after image for display                                                   
C                   MOVE      ARRAY         AFTER                                              
 * Display panel, wait for F3 to exit program.                                                 
C                   DOU       #KEY  = #F3                                                      
C                   EXFMT     CH5P1101                                                         
C                   ENDDO                                                                      
 * Exit program                                                                                
C                   EVAL      *INLR = *ON                                                      
C                   RETURN                                                                     
 * END of mainline calculations, begin subroutine section                                      
C     *INZSR        BEGSR                                                                      
 * define function keys                                                                        
C                   CALL      'MIS500RP'          
C                   PARM                    KEYDS 
C                   ENDSR 
** Sequence Array