RPG Reading ASCII Files

RPG can manage EBCIDIC or ASCII data.

This is an example of an interactive program that reads a stream file from a network folder. RPG originally only read EBCIDIC data representation from the OS database. However, bound to the IBM QC2LE binding directory, an RPG application can access network folders and present ASCII data. This ILE application uses the bound services to read the stream file, byte at a time, then displays the information on a 5250 display panel.

 /TITLE ** Browse IFS Data *
     H DEBUG(*YES)
     H BNDDIR('QC2LE':'SC0000_BD')
      * Program Name - SC0600RP                                          *
      *                                                                  *
      * Function     - This program was designed to browse IFS file      *
      *                data in a subfile.                                *
      *                                                                  *
     FSC0600DF  CF   E             WORKSTN SFILE(SC0600S1:RRN1)
     F                                     INFDS(DSPDS)
     D FUNCTIONKEY   E DS                  EXTNAME(SCKEYSPF) qualified          Function keys
     D PGMDS         ESDS                  EXTNAME(SCPSTSPF)                    Pgm status map
     D DSPDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(SCDSPFPF)                    Display INFDS
     D MACDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(SCFUNCPF) INZ                Key map
     D Macro         E DS                  extname(SCMACRPF)
     D   Function                    30a   overlay(Macro:1)
    * * Prototypes and definitions for working with the IFS
      /copy qrpglesrc,SC0000_pr
      /copy qrpglesrc,SC0001_pr
      * values for oflag parameter, used by open()
     D O_APPEND        s             10i 0   inz(75)                            Append to file
     D O_CODEPAGE      s             10i 0   inz(8388608)                       Convert by code page
     D O_CREAT         s             10i 0   inz(8)                             Create if not exist
     D O_EXCL          s             10i 0   inz(16)                            Exclusive create
     D O_RDONLY        s             10i 0   inz(1)                             Read Only - Oflag
     D O_RDWR          s             10i 0   inz(4)                             Read/Write - Oflag
     D O_TEXTDATA      s             10i 0   inz(16777216)                      Open in text mode
     D O_TRUNC         s             10i 0   inz(64)                            Truncate to 0 bytes
     D O_WRONLY        s             10i 0   inz(2)                             Write only - Oflag
      * user authorities for omode parameter, used by open()
      * from QSYSINC/SYS, member STAT
      * Owner authorities
     D S_IRUSR         s             10i 0   inz(72)
     D S_IWUSR         s             10i 0   inz(128)
     D S_IXUSR         s             10i 0   inz( 64)
     D S_IRWXU         s             10i 0   inz(448)
      * group authorities
     D S_IRGRP         s             10i 0   inz( 32)
     D S_IWGRP         s             10i 0   inz( 16)
     D S_IXGRP         s             10i 0   inz(  8)
     D S_IRWXG         s             10i 0   inz( 56)
      * other authorities
     D S_IROTH         s             10i 0   inz(  4)
     D S_IWOTH         s             10i 0   inz(  2)
     D S_IXOTH         s             10i 0   inz(  1)
     D S_IRWXO         s             10i 0   inz(  7)
     D RdIfsFil        PR            40A
     D  FileName                     40A   CONST

     D*CodePage        S             10u 0 inz(437)
     D CodePage        S             10u 0 inz(819)
     D Data_Rec        S             75A
     D Eol             C                   Const(x'0D25')
     D Error_Flag      S              1A   INZ('0')
     D File            S             40
     D FileName        S             40
     D Fp              S             10i 0
     D N               S              5  0
     D Oflag           S             10i 0
     D Omode           S             10u 0
     D R               S              5  0
     D Rc              S             10i 0
     D Rrn1            S             10i 0
     D rtnCode         S             10i 0

     d indPtr          s               *   inz( %addr(*in) )

      * define named indicators
     d indicators      ds            99    based( indPtr )
     d  ScreenChange                   n   overlay( indicators : 22 )
     d  SflControl                     n   overlay( indicators : 50 )
     d  SflDisplay                     n   overlay( indicators : 51 )
     d  SflClear                       n   overlay( indicators : 52 )
     d  SflInitialize                  n   overlay( indicators : 53 )
     d  SflEnd                         n   overlay( indicators : 54 )
     d  SflDelete                      n   overlay( indicators : 55 )
     d  SflNxtChange                   n   overlay( indicators : 58 )
     d  SflMSGQdisplay...
     d                                 n   overlay( indicators : 59 )

     D authl           S              3    inz('999')
     D CATEG           S              3S 0 inz(999)
     D CMDKEY          S            720
     D MSG             S             80
     D MSGDTA          S            132
     D MSGF            S             10
     D MSGPGM          S             10
     D MSGRLQ          S              5
     d MessageToDisplay...
     d                 S               n
     D M               S              3S 0
     D thisFormat      S             10
     D thisPgm         S             10
     D UsrNam          S             10a
     D #TITLE          C                   CONST('** Browse IFS File **')
     D #MSGF           C                   CONST('SCMSSGF')
     D #SAME           C                   CONST('*SAME')
      * MAIN
         functionKey = FunctionKeys();
         z$seq1 = #TITLE;
         MSGID = 'MIS0001';
         ThisPgm = prgnam;
         EXSR @GetMsg;
         EXSR @Reset;

         DoU function = 'EXIT';

            IF MessageToDisplay;
               SflMSGQdisplay = *ON;
               SflMSGQdisplay = *OFF;

           WRITE SC0600C2;  // Write subfile message queue

           WRITE SC060001;
           sflControl = *ON;
           IF rrn1 > 0;
              sflDisplay = *ON;
           EXFMT SC0600C1;

           sflControl = *OFF;
           sflDisplay = *OFF;
           Function = *blanks;
           ThisFormat = fmtnam;

              WHEN Function = 'RESET';
                 EXSR @RESET;
              WHEN Function = 'EXIT';
                 *INLR = *ON;
              WHEN keyPressed = functionKey.ENTER;
                 IF xFile > *blanks;
                    EXSR @Reset;
                    error_Flag = RdIFSfil(xFile);
                    IF error_Flag = '1';
                       rrn1 = rrn1 + 1;
                       IF rrn1 = 1;
                          data = '*File not found in IFS';
                          data = '*** End of IFS Data ***';
                       WRITE  SC0600S1;


         *INLR = *ON;

         //* Initialize subfile and display empty subfile
         Begsr  @Reset;
             sflClear = *ON;
             WRITE SC0600C1;
             sflClear = *OFF;
             SflEnd = *Off;
             rrn1 = 0;
             m = 0;
             usrnam = user;
             DisplayKeys(cmdkey: z$key1: z$key2: M);
        //* Get message text from message file and turn on message flag
        BEGSR @getmsg;
           msgdta = *BLANKS;
           msg = *BLANKS;
           msgf = #MSGF;
              MessageToDisplay = *ON;
           msgtxt = msg;
           EXSR @SendMessage;
        //* Subroutine to send messages to program message queue
        BEGSR @SendMessage;
           msgdta =  msgtxt;
           msgpgm = PRGNAM;
           msgrlq = #SAME;
           msgf = #MSGF;
           MessageToDisplay = *ON;
      *    RdIfsFil - Subprocedure To Read The IFS File
     P RdIfsFil        B                   Export
     D RdIfsFil        PI            40A
     D  FileName                     40A   Const
     D CharsRead       S             10i 0
     D CurChar         S              1
     D Eof             C                   const(x'00')
          Oflag = O_Rdonly + O_Textdata;
          File = %trim(FileName) + x'00';
          Fp = openIFS(%addr(File): Oflag);
          IF Fp < 0;
             Error_Flag = *On;
             Return Error_Flag;
          R = 0;
          N = 0;
          DoU CurChar = Eof;

           // Limit to 9999 lines
           IF RRN1 >= 9998;

           EXSR GetChar;
           R += 1;
           %Subst(Data: R: 1) = CurChar;
           IF curChar = x'25';
              %Subst(Data: R: 1)  = *blanks;
               When R = 75 or CurChar = X'25';

               //* if you find the lf code then we still have more data in
               //* memory  and we need to process that remaining data.

                  IF CurChar = X'25';
                     %Subst(Data: R: 1)  = *blanks;

                  EXSR Write_Sfl;
                  CLEAR R;
                  CLEAR Data;
         //* Write last line and close the IFS File  (seton subfile end)
         *In99 = *On;
         Exsr Write_Sfl;
         rtnCode = CloseIFS(Fp);
         Return Error_Flag;
         //*    GetChar - Process IFS Record, One Character At A Time
         Begsr GetChar;

            //* If input buffer is empty, or all characters have been
            //*  processed, refill the input buffer.

            IF n = charsRead;
               charsRead = readIFS(fp:%addr(Data_Rec): 75);
               n = 0;
            //* Get the next character in the input buffer.
            IF CharsRead <= 0;
               CurChar = Eof;
               n +=1;
               CurChar = %Subst(Data_Rec: N: 1);
         //* Write_Sfl - Write Subfile Record
         BEGSR Write_Sfl;
            rrn1 += 1;
            WRITE SC0600S1;
     P RdIfsFil        E