DDS for Window

The two examples of DDS below are the only definition of the window required. The steam field is 1900 bytes and the read and write RPG programs will parse the stream field with the proper attributes to make the window appear on the display. (Yes it is primitive!)

     A* DISPLAY NAME - SC0100DX                    *
     A*                                            *
     A*                                            *
     A*                                            *
     A                                      INDARA
     A          R USERFMT                   USRDFN
     A          R DUMMY
     A            STREAM      1900   B  1  2
     A* DISPLAY NAME - SC0100DX                    *
     A*                                            *
     A*                                            *
     A*                                            *
     A                                      INDARA
     A          R USERFMT
     A            STREAM      1900   B  1  2

Help Source

For each program using the generic HELP5250 services, a source member was added to a source file named QWNDSRC. The source member contained a format (or multiple format statements) for the help window process to create a pop-up window over the application panel already displayed.

FMT             04 10 10 45                                                     
  The cursor is not under a                                                     
  field that has prompt text                                                    
  if this window appears.                                                       
FMT  ZFCAT      04 40 12 75                                                     
~   .~  Category code                                                           
 Enter a category code to                                                       
 filter the object list by                                                      
 object category.                                                               
FMT  ZFSEQ      04 40 12 75                                                     
~       .~  Sequence number                                                     
 Enter a sequence number to                                                     
 order the object list by                                                       
 sequence number.                                                               
FMT  ZFOBJ      08 40 18 75                                                     
~          ~  Object name                                                       
 Enter an object name or part                                                   
 of an object name to order                                                     
 and position the list by                                                       
 the object name.                                                               
FMT  ZFTYP      06 40 14 75                                                     
~          ~  Object type                                                       
 Enter an object type, such                                                     
 as DSPF, to filter the list                                                    
 by object type.                                                                
FMT  ZFDSC      04 10 15 45                                                     
 Enter up to 25 characters                                                      
 to position and order the                                                      
 object list by the object                                                      
~                          ~                                                    
FMT  ZFSTS      04 10 18 32                                                     
~ ~  Status code                                                                
E = show exceptions                                                             
N = in development                                                              
O = obsolete                                                                    
Y = Active                                                                      
X = Extended                

The format statment is simple; it contains the starting row, starting column, ending row, and ending column for the window to be written. Below the format is the text to be displayed in the window.

The help window is actually capable of providing an input capable field, alphanumeric or numeric, to pass back to the calling program. The field delimiter is the ~ character. The first delimiter marks the start of the field, the second the end of the field.

Help Services

The RPG modules were part of the HELP5250 service program. The binder language below shows the exported procedures. The RPG modules on the page relate to the READWINTXT and WRITEWINDOW symbols. The CLLE module on this page supplies the code for the PROMPTER. Other RPG modules make up the rest of the services.

/*   *SRVPGM      HELP5250     SCROY        11/11/11  08:17:29      */

Binding Directory: HELP5250

Though not necessarily required, a binding directory was created for the HELP5250 process. The directory contained the following entries:

Object       Type
HELP5250     *MODULE
SC0100RM     *MODULE
SC0105RM     *MODULE
SC0110RM     *MODULE
SC0085RM     *MODULE
SC0070RM     *MODULE
SC0065RM     *MODULE

RPG Windows

Writing and Reading from a source member

Reading the Window Source

This process was written as a generic help system RPG application development. Using the SoftCode system, application programs could be written without help functions and then help functions could be added as necessary after the application development had been completed. The read program, created as a module is very old code. It was built around examples originally created by a programmer named Julie Buckles--at least that was the first time I saw this type of code. Details I later filled in with information from an ancient IBM SDLC manual containing a map of the 5250 data stream. The original code was a program; this version of the source is actually compiled as a module and is incorporated into a service program.

      * PROGRAM NAME - SC0105RM                                          *
      *                                                                  *
      *                PROVIDE AN INTERACTIVE WINDOW FOR USE             *
      *                WITH GENERAL APPLICATION PROGRAMS                 *
      *                                                                  *
      *               PROGRAM INTERFACE SECTION                          *
      *                                                                  *
      *  Procedures....:     WriteWindow - Display processor             *
      *                      ShwHlpTxt- EXTENDED HELP TEXT               *
      *                                                                  *
      *               ** INDICATOR USAGE ***                             *
      *          ** ON **                     ** OFF **                  *
      *  F3 -- EXIT                                                      *
      *                                                                  *
      *    ** ERROR INDICATORS **                                        *
      *  98 -- ERROR INDICATOR                                           *
      *                                                                  *
      *                   MODIFICATION LOG                               *
      *                                                                  *
      *  DATE   PROGRAMMER      DESCRIPTION                              *
      *                                                                  *
     FINPUT     IF   F   92        DISK    USROPN
     F                                     INFDS(INFDS)
      *-- Common prototypes
     D S               S              1    DIM(256)
     D NUM             S              1  0 DIM(8)
     D TT              S              1    DIM(80)
      * FORMAT FLAG                           1  03 FMTID FORMAT ID
      * SOURCE TEXT                          04  05 SRCTXT *BLANKS
      * WINDOW ID                            06  15 WNDID  WINDOW ID
      * BLANK CHARACTER                      16  16 BLANK1 *BLANK
      * STARTING ROW                         17  18 STARTING LINE
      * BLANK CHARACTER                      19  19 BLANK2 *BLANK
      * STARTING COLUMN                      20  21 STARTING COLUMN
      * BLANK CHARACTER                      22  22 BLANK3 *BLANK
      * ENDING ROW                           23  24 ENDING LINE
      * BLANK CHARACTER                      25  25 BLANK4 *BLANK
      * END COLUMN                           26  27 ENDING COLUMN
     D INFDS           DS
     D NMBR1                 397    400B 0
     D PGMDS         ESDS                  EXTNAME(SWPSTSP)                     Pgm status map
     D FUNCTIONKEY   E DS                  EXTNAME(UTLKEYPF) qualified          Function keys
     D FunctionKeys    PR            32A
      * Starting/Ending Row/Column test for valid numeric data
     D CLRWNT          DS
     D STRRWA                         2
     D STRCLA                         2
     D ENDRWA                         2
     D ENDCLA                         2
      * Multiple occurrence data structure to hold window text as it
      * is read from file
     D WNDDS           DS                  OCCURS(22)
     D WNDTXT                        80
     D                 DS
     D BIN2                           4B 0
     D  BINLWB                        1    OVERLAY(BIN2:2)
      * START of work fields
     D #BUILD          S              8    INZ('BUILD   ')
     D #EOF            S              1
     D #ERROR          S              8    INZ('ERROR   ')
     D #EXIT           S              8    INZ('EXIT    ')
     D #FIRST          S              1
     D #FRCD           S              9  0
     D #FUNCT          S              8
     D #HELP           S              8    INZ('HELP    ')
     D #INDX           S              9  0
     D #LRCD           S              9  0
     D #PAGE           S              3  0
     D #POSIT          S              8    INZ('POSIT   ')
     D #READ           S              8    INZ('READ    ')
     D #VALID          S              8    INZ('VALID   ')
     D #WRITE          S              8    INZ('WRITE   ')
     D #XPAND          S              8    INZ('XPAND   ')
     D #YES            S              1
     D BTMBAR          S              1
     D CMD1            S             30    INZ('F2=Extended Help F3=Exit')
     D CMD2            S             30    INZ('More...')
     D CMD3            S             30    INZ('Bottom...')
     D CMD4            S             30    INZ('Top of display')
     D COL             S              3  0
     D DFLT            S              1
     D DFT             S              2  0
     D ENDCL           S              2  0
     D ENDRW           S              2  0
     D ERR             S              1
     D FILNAM          S             10
     D FOUND           S              1
     D FUNC            S              1
     D KEYPRESSED      S              1
     D HNZ             S              3  0
     D LBPOS           S              2  0
     D LEN             S              3  0
     D LIBNAM          S             10
     D LSND            S              3  0
     D LT              S              2  0
     D MBRNAM          S             10
     D MORE            S              3  0
     D NEWCL           S              3  0
     D NEWHT           S              3  0
     D NEWRW           S              3  0
     D NEWWD           S              3  0
     D P$DATA          S            256
     D P$HLP           S             10    INZ('ISD44001  ')
     D PGMWND          S             10
     D PS              S              3  0
     D PSE             S              3  0
     D QUIT            S              1    INZ('0')
     D RB              S              3  0
     D RCDS            S              3  0
     D RHTBAR          S              1
     D ROW             S              3  0
     D STRCL           S              2  0
     D STRRW           S              2  0
     D TBPOS           S              2  0
     D TSTPAR          S              1
     D VRT             S              3  0
     D W$KEY           S              5  0
     D WRK24           S             24
     D X               S              2  0
     D XX              S              2  0
     D X20             S              1
     D X22             S              1
     D X26             S              1
     D X4F             S              1
      *  Prototype for SC0105RM
     D ReadWinTxt      PR           256    EXTPROC(*CL:'READWINTXT')
     D MBRNAM                        10         const
     D PGMWND                        10         const

      *  Prototype to write window
     D WriteWindow     PR
     D FUNC                           1
     D S                              1    DIM(256)
     D LSND                           3  0
     D ROW                            3  0
     D COL                            3  0
     D KEY                            1
     D ERR                            1
     D MA_X            S              5  0

      *  Prototype for extended help
     D HelpText        PR                  EXTPROC('HELPTEXT')
     D   MBRNAM                      10    CONST
     D   PGMWND                      10    CONST
      * END of work fields
     IINPUT     NS  01
      * Data stream control record: Data Record is 92 bytes
      * Input format:
      * Statment number 1-6
      * Source date     7-12
      * Source text     13-92
     I                                  1    6  SRCSTM
     I                                  7   12  SRCDTE
     I                                 13   92  SRCTXT
      * The control record must be the first record found in the text.
      * Format ID record
      * Format ID flag  13-15
      * Window ID       18-27
      * Starting Row    29-30
      * Starting Column 32-33
      * Ending Row      35-36
      * Ending Column   38-39
     I                                 13   15  FMTID
     I                                 18   27  WNDID
     I                                 29   30  STRRWA
     I                                 32   33  STRCLA
     I                                 35   36  ENDRWA
     I                                 38   39  ENDCLA
      * Start mainline calculations
     P ReadWinTxt      B                        export
     D ReadWinTxt      PI           256
     D MBRNAM                        10         const
     D PGMWND                        10         const

     D P$DATA          s            256
      * Mainline calculations
<--- C                   EXSR      @INZSR
      * CASE:
     C                   DOU       #FUNCT = #EXIT
     C                   SELECT
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #EXIT
<--- C                   EXSR      @EXIT
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #POSIT
<--- C                   EXSR      @STR1
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #VALID
<--- C                   EXSR      @VALD
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #BUILD
<--- C                   EXSR      @BLD1
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #ERROR
<--- C                   EXSR      @DFLT
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #WRITE
<--- C                   EXSR      @WRTWD
<--- C                   WHEN      #FUNCT = #READ
<--- C                   EXSR      @READW
     C                   ENDSL
     C                   ENDDO

<--- C                   EXSR      @EXIT
      * First time processing - initialize program variables
      * Color attribute definition - Comment Only, set bits to
      * respresent desire color attributes
---> C     @INZSR        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(FILNAM:1:7) = 'QWNDSRC'
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(LIBNAM:1:5) = '*LIBL'
     C                   EVAL      #FRCD = *ZEROS                               FIRST RECORD
     C                   EVAL      #LRCD = *ZEROS                               LAST  RECORD
     C                   EVAL      STRRW = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      STRCL = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      ENDRW = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      ENDCL = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      LBPOS = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      TBPOS = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      ROW = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      COL = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      LEN = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      LSND = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      RCDS = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      PS = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      PSE = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      TSTPAR = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      BTMBAR = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      DFLT = *OFF
     C                   EVAL      #EOF = '1'
     C                   EVAL      #YES = '1'
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      LT = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      RHTBAR = *BLANK
     C                   EVAL      FOUND = *BLANK
     C                   EVAL      ERR = *BLANK
     C                   EVAL      X = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      XX = *ZEROS
     C                   EVAL      RB = *ZERO
     C                   EVAL      DFT = 2
     C                   EVAL      FUNC = 'P'
      * HEX 20 Stop/Turn off special display attributes
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X20
     C                   BITON     '2'           X20
      * HEX 22 Normal
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X22
     C                   BITON     '1'           X22
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X26
     C                   BITON     '2'           X26
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X4F
     C                   BITON     '1'           X4F
     C                   EVAL      RHTBAR = X4F
     C                   EVAL      BTMBAR = X4F
      * HEX 00 Null character to test for paragraph characters added
      * by the text management
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    TSTPAR
      * Define decimal representations of command function keys
     C                   EVAL      functionKey = FunctionKeys()
      * Open Window text file
     C                   IF        NOT %OPEN(INPUT)
     C                   OPEN(E)   INPUT
     C                   ENDIF
     C     1             SETLL     INPUT
B1   C                   IF        %ERROR
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #EXIT
X1   C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      #FIRST = *ON
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #POSIT
E1   C                   ENDIF
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to locate the window requested
      * First record of text should contain the starting and ending
      * row and coloumn information. If the first record read is
      * end-of-file, or not a format ID seton the error indicator
      * and exit the subroutine.
---> C     @STR1         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #VALID
     C                   EVAL      QUIT = '0'
     C                   READ      INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = %EOF
B1   C                   IF        *IN25 = *ON
     C                             OR FMTID <> 'FMT'
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #ERROR
E1   C                   ENDIF
B1   C                   IF        #FUNCT <> #ERROR
B2   C                   DOU       QUIT = #YES
B3  C                   IF        FMTID = 'FMT'
    C                              AND WNDID = PGMWND
    C                   EVAL      #FRCD = NMBR1
    C                   EVAL      FOUND = #YES
    C                   EVAL      QUIT = #YES
      * Check for valid numeric data in starting and ending positions
    C                   MOVE      CLRWNT        NUM
B4   C                   FOR       X = 1 TO 8
B5   C                   IF        NUM(X) < 0
     C                             OR NUM(X) > 9
     C                   EVAL      QUIT = #YES
E5   C                   ENDIF
E4   C                   ENDFOR
E3  C                   ENDIF
B3  C                   IF        QUIT <> #YES
    C                   READ      INPUT
    C                   EVAL      *IN25 = %EOF
    C                   EVAL      QUIT = *IN25
E3  C                   ENDIF
E2   C                   ENDDO
E1   C                   ENDIF
B1   C                   IF        FOUND <> #YES
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #ERROR
E1   C                   ENDIF
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Validate row and column entries move to numeric fields
---> C     @VALD         BEGSR
     C                   MOVE      STRRWA        STRRW
     C                   MOVE      STRCLA        STRCL
     C                   MOVE      ENDRWA        ENDRW
     C                   MOVE      ENDCLA        ENDCL
      * Test starting row: row cannot be < 2 or >23
      * Test starting column: cannot be < 4, or > 75
B1   C                   IF        STRRW < 2
     C                             OR STRCL < 4
     C                             OR STRRW > 23
     C                             OR STRCL > 75
     C                   EVAL      *IN98 = *ON
E1   C                   ENDIF
      * Test ending row: row cannot be < 2, or > 23
      * Ending column, column cannot be < 4 > 75
B1   C                   IF        ENDRW < 2
     C                             OR ENDRW > 23
     C                             OR ENDCL < 4
     C                             OR ENDCL > 75
     C                   EVAL      *IN98 = *ON
E1   C                   ENDIF
      * At least one display character must be present to display
      * or else the window is not valid
B1   C                   IF        ENDRW < STRRW
     C                             OR ENDCL < STRCL
     C                   EVAL      *IN98 = *ON
E1   C                   ENDIF
B1   C                   IF        *IN98 = *ON
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #ERROR
X1   C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = ENDRW - STRRW
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = #PAGE + 1
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #BUILD
E1   C                   ENDIF
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to read window text file
      * Read input file to get text for window - calculate window pos
---> C     @BLD1         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      WNDDS = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      BTMBAR = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      RCDS = #PAGE
     C                   EVAL      X = *ZEROS
     C                   READ      INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = %EOF
B1   C                   IF        *IN25 = *ON
     C                   EVAL      *IN26 = *ON
     C                   EVAL      *IN98 = *ON
X1   C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      #LRCD = NMBR1
<--- C                   EXSR      @WPOS
     C                   EVAL      *IN26 = *OFF
E1   C                   ENDIF
      * Put the line of text in the window data structure
B1   C                   DOW       *IN26 = *OFF
<--- C                   EXSR      @WLIN
     C                   READ      INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = %EOF
B2   C                   IF        *IN25 = *ON
     C                             OR FMTID = 'FMT'
     C                   EVAL      *IN26 = *ON
B3  C                   IF        X < RCDS
    C                   EVAL      RCDS = X
E3  C                   ENDIF
E2   C                   ENDIF
B2   C                   IF        *IN25 = *OFF
     C                             AND X <= RCDS
     C                             AND FMTID <> 'FMT'
     C                   EVAL      #LRCD = NMBR1
E2   C                   ENDIF
B2   C                   IF        X > RCDS
     C                   EVAL      BTMBAR = '+'
     C                   EVAL      *IN26 = *ON
E2   C                   ENDIF
E1   C                   ENDDO
      * Blank the rest of the page if a full page hasn't been found
B1   C                   DOW       X < #PAGE
     C                   EVAL      SRCTXT = *BLANKS
<--- C                   EXSR      @WLIN
E1   C                   ENDDO
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #WRITE
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to calculate window positions
---> C     @WPOS         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      LEN = *ZERO
      * The size of the window text to display is the difference
      * between the starting column and the ending column
     C                   EVAL      LEN = ENDCL - STRCL
     C                   EVAL      LEN = LEN + 1
     C                   EVAL      LBPOS = STRCL - 3
      * The number of records to display is the difference between the
      * top row and ending row positions
     C                   EVAL      TBPOS = STRRW - 1
     C                   EVAL      RCDS = ENDRW - TBPOS
      * Set the position for the right bar of the window.
      * Set Position for HEX Character to turn off DSPATR HI
     C                   EVAL      PS = LEN + 4
     C                   EVAL      RB = LEN + 5
     C                   EVAL      PSE = LEN + 6
     C                   EVAL      ROW = TBPOS
     C                   EVAL      COL = LBPOS
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to put window text to data structure
---> C     @WLIN         BEGSR
<--- C                   EXSR      PARTST
     C                   EVAL      LT = LEN + 1
B1   C                   IF        TT(LT) <> *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      RHTBAR = '+'
E1   C                   ENDIF
     C                   EVAL      X = X + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      WNDTXT = SRCTXT
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to test for non-displayable character
---> C     PARTST        BEGSR
     C                   MOVEA     SRCTXT        TT
B1   C                   FOR       XX = 1 TO LT
B2   C                   IF        TT(XX) = TSTPAR
     C                   EVAL      TT(XX) = *BLANKS
E2   C                   ENDIF
     C                   MOVEA     TT            SRCTXT
E1   C                   ENDFOR
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Set up default error window informing the user
      * an invalid window was specified (not found) in the text file
---> C     @DFLT         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      STRRW = 10
     C                   EVAL      STRCL = 10
     C                   EVAL      ENDRW = 18
     C                   EVAL      ENDCL = 40
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = ENDRW - STRRW
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = #PAGE + 1
<--- C                   EXSR      @WPOS
     C                   EVAL      X = 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(WNDTXT:1:24) = 'No window was found'
     C                   EVAL      X = X + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(WNDTXT:1:24) = 'Wnd:'
     C                   EVAL      WNDTXT = %TRIMR(WNDTXT) + '  ' + PGMWND
     C                   EVAL      X = X + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(WNDTXT:1:5) = 'FILE:'
     C                   EVAL      WNDTXT = %TRIMR(WNDTXT) + ' ' + FILNAM
     C                   EVAL      X = X + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(WNDTXT:1:4) = 'LIB:'
     C                   EVAL      WNDTXT = %TRIMR(WNDTXT) + '  ' + LIBNAM
     C                   EVAL      X = X + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(WNDTXT:1:4) = 'MBR:'
     C                   EVAL      WNDTXT = %TRIMR(WNDTXT) + '  ' + MBRNAM
     C                   EVAL      X = X + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      %SUBST(WNDTXT:1:24) = 'Contact IT'
      * Set up default error window Row/Col and length
      * set color attributes to red reverse X'247'
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X22
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X26
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    X4F
     C                   BITON     '27'          X4F
     C                   BITON     '2'           X26
     C                   BITON     '27'          X22
     C                   EVAL      RHTBAR = X4F
     C                   EVAL      RCDS = X
     C                   EVAL      DFLT = *ON
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #WRITE
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to write window to display
      * WRITE Top Bar of window to display
      * Total data stream length = LENGTH OF TEXT + 7 CONTROL
      * LEFT BAR of window
---> C     @WRTWD        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      FUNC = 'P'
     C                   EVAL      LSND = 6 + LEN
     C                   MOVEA     *BLANKS       S(1)
     C                   MOVEA     X22           S(1)
     C                   MOVEA     *ALL'.'       S(2)
     C                   MOVEA     X20           S(PSE)
     C                   EVAL      ROW = STRRW
     C                   CALLP     WRITEWINDOW(FUNC: S: LSND: ROW: COL:
     C                             KEYPRESSED: ERR)
      * write the text of the window
B1   C                   FOR       X = 1 TO #PAGE
     C                   EVAL      ROW = ROW + 1
     C                   EVAL      %OCCUR(WNDDS) = X
     C                   EVAL      S(2) = ':'
     C                   MOVEA     WNDTXT        S(4)
     C                   MOVEA     X4F           S(1)
     C                   MOVEA     X26           S(3)
     C                   MOVEA     RHTBAR        S(PS)
     C                   EVAL      S(RB) = ':'
     C                   MOVEA     X20           S(PSE)
     C                   CALLP     WRITEWINDOW(FUNC: S: LSND: ROW: COL:
     C                             KEYPRESSED: ERR)
E1   C                   ENDFOR
      * Write the command line of the window
     C                   EVAL      ROW = ROW + 1
     C                   EVAL      S(2) = ':'
     C                   MOVEA     CMD1          S(4)
B1   C                   IF        KEYPRESSED = functionKey.ROLLUP
     C                             AND BTMBAR = *BLANK
     C                   MOVEA     CMD3          S(4)
E1   C                   ENDIF
     C                   MOVEA     X4F           S(1)
     C                   MOVEA     X26           S(3)
     C                   MOVEA     RHTBAR        S(PS)
     C                   EVAL      S(RB) = ':'
     C                   MOVEA     X20           S(PSE)
     C                   CALLP     WRITEWINDOW(FUNC: S: LSND: ROW: COL:
     C                             KEYPRESSED: ERR)
      * Write the bottom bar of the window
     C                   EVAL      ROW = ROW + 1
     C                   MOVEA     BTMBAR        S(1)
     C                   MOVEA     X22           S(1)
B1   C                   IF        BTMBAR = '+'
     C                   MOVEA     *BLANK        S(1)
     C                   MOVEA     X26           S(1)
     C                   EVAL      MORE = PSE - 7
B2   C                   IF        MORE < 1
     C                   EVAL      MORE = 1
E2   C                   ENDIF
     C                   MOVEA     CMD2          S(MORE)
     C                   MOVEA     X20           S(PSE)
X1   C                   ELSE
     C                   MOVEA     *ALL'.'       S(3)
     C                   MOVEA     X20           S(PSE)
E1   C                   ENDIF
     C                   CALLP     WRITEWINDOW(FUNC: S: LSND: ROW: COL:
     C                             KEYPRESSED: ERR)
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #READ
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to READ window display
---> C     @READW        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      FUNC = 'R'
     C                   CALLP     WRITEWINDOW(FUNC: S: LSND: ROW: COL:
     C                             KEYPRESSED: ERR)
     C                   EVAL      BIN2 = *ZERO
     C                   EVAL      BINLWB = KEYPRESSED
     C                   EVAL      W$KEY = BIN2
      * Process the return data stream, if the F2 command key was
      * pressed, enter into the standard (expanded help text)
      * If F3 was pressed, do not return any data to the calling
      * program, otherwise return any data from default values, or
      * keyed input (if applicable)
     C                   SELECT
B1   C                   WHEN      KEYPRESSED = functionKey.F2
     C                   CALLP     HelpText( MBRNAM : PGMWND )
     C                   EXSR      @INZSR
B1   C                   WHEN      KEYPRESSED = functionKey.F3
     C                   EVAL      P$DATA = *BLANKS
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #EXIT
<--- C                   WHEN      KEYPRESSED = functionKey.F20
<--- C                   EXSR      @XPND
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #WRITE
<--- C                   WHEN      KEYPRESSED = functionKey.ROLLUP
<--- C                   EXSR      @ROLLU
<--- C                   WHEN      KEYPRESSED = functionKey.ROLLDN
<--- C                   EXSR      @ROLLD
     C                   OTHER
     C                   MOVEA     S             P$DATA
     C                   EVAL      #FUNCT = #EXIT
     C                   ENDSL
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Set On LR at window program, close file and exit pgm
---> C     @EXIT         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      FUNC = 'Q'
     C                   CALLP     WRITEWINDOW(FUNC: S: LSND: ROW: COL:
     C                             KEYPRESSED: ERR)
     C                   IF        %OPEN(INPUT)
     C                   CLOSE     INPUT
     C                   ENDIF
     C                   EVAL      #FIRST =  *BLANK
     C                   RETURN    P$DATA
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Expand the size of the window
---> C     @XPND         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      VRT = ENDRW - STRRW
     C                   EVAL      HNZ = ENDCL - STRCL
     C                   EVAL      NEWRW = STRRW / 2
     C                   EVAL      NEWCL = STRCL / 2
     C                   EVAL      NEWHT = VRT * 2
     C                   EVAL      NEWWD = HNZ * 2
     C                   EVAL      RHTBAR = ' '
B1   C                   IF        NEWRW < 2
     C                   EVAL      STRRW = 2
X1   C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      STRRW = NEWRW
E1   C                   ENDIF
B1   C                   IF        NEWCL < 4
     C                   EVAL      STRCL = 4
X1   C                   ELSE
     C                   EVAL      STRCL = NEWCL
E1   C                   ENDIF
      * Ending column, column cannot be < 4 > 75
     C                   EVAL      NEWWD = NEWWD + STRCL
     C                   EVAL      NEWHT = NEWHT + STRRW
B1   C                   IF        NEWHT > 22
     C                   EVAL      ENDRW = 22
X1   C                   ELSE
B2   C                   IF        ENDRW < NEWHT
     C                   EVAL      ENDRW = NEWHT
E2   C                   ENDIF
E1   C                   ENDIF
B1   C                   IF        NEWWD > 75
     C                   EVAL      ENDCL = 75
X1   C                   ELSE
B2   C                   IF        NEWWD > ENDCL
     C                   EVAL      ENDCL = NEWWD
E2   C                   ENDIF
E1   C                   ENDIF
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = ENDRW - STRRW
     C                   EVAL      #PAGE = #PAGE + 1
     C     #FRCD         CHAIN     INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = NOT %FOUND
<--- C                   EXSR      @BLD1
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to position the file on ROLLDOWN. Subract the
      * page-size from the last record read, reposition the file.
      * If the index variable is less than the first record read
      * set the index to the first record processed.
---> C     @ROLLD        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      #INDX = #LRCD - RCDS
     C                   EVAL      #INDX = #INDX - #PAGE
B1   C                   IF        #INDX < #FRCD
     C                   EVAL      #INDX = #FRCD
E1   C                   ENDIF
     C     #INDX         CHAIN     INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = NOT %FOUND
<--- C                   EXSR      @BLD1
<--- C                   ENDSR
      * Subroutine to position the file on ROLLUP. If the index
      * is less than the first record read, set the index to
      * the first record processed.
---> C     @ROLLU        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      #INDX = #LRCD
     C                   READ      INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = %EOF
B1   C                   IF        *IN25 = *ON
     C                             OR FMTID = 'FMT'
     C                   EVAL      #INDX = #LRCD - RCDS
E1   C                   ENDIF
B1   C                   IF        #INDX < #FRCD
     C                   EVAL      #INDX = #FRCD
     C     #INDX         CHAIN     INPUT
     C                   EVAL      *IN25 = NOT %FOUND
X1   C                   ELSE
     C     #INDX         SETLL     INPUT
E1   C                   ENDIF
<--- C                   EXSR      @BLD1
<--- C                   ENDSR
     P ReadWinTxt      E

Fig. 1

Prompt Window for Status

The image is an example of the prompt window process in use. The program, an interactive job with a subfile displayed, has invoked the PROMPTER. The window presented is defined by the QWNDSRC source file. Notice the cursor is position to an input capable one-byte field. If a value is entered, it will be passed back to the calling program.

Writing the Window

The window is actually written one line at a time. The data passed to the module from the procedure reading the source code creates a window by setting display attributes. Bit patterns determine the field words as well as the attributes--where to start and end a field, if defined.

     H nomain DEBUG(*YES)
      * PROGRAM NAME - SC0100RM                                      *
      *                                                              *
      *                OVERLAYS THE EXISTING DISPLAY, READS THE      *
      *                WINDOW AND RETURNS INPUT DATA.                *
      *                                                              *
      *               PROGRAM INTERFACE SECTION                      *
      *                                                              *
      *  CALLS PROGRAMS:                                             *
      *                   MODIFICATION LOG                           *
      *                                                              *
      *  DATE   PROGRAMMMER     DESCRIPTION                          *
      *                                                              *
      *               ** INDICATOR USAGE ***                         *
      *          ** ON **                     ** OFF **              *
      *                                                              *
      *    ** ERROR INDICATORS **                                    *
     FSC0100DF  CF   E             WORKSTN USROPN
     D DUMMYE          S              1    DIM(1)
     D C               S              1    DIM(256)
     D                 DS
     D DUMMYD                         1
      * Stream data structure contains length of data stream to send
      * and length of data stream to receive (both in Hex).
      * The operation, determines send/receive (Hex 71=send Hex 73=
      * receive).
     D STREAM          DS          1900
     D  S                      1   1900
     D                                     DIM(1900)
     D  LSND                   1      2B 0
     D  LREC                   3      4B 0
     D  OP                     5      5
     D CFTCTL          DS             2
     D ESC1                           1
     D CFT                            1
      * ESC = ESCAPE
     D RUCTL           DS
     D ESC                            1
     D WTD                            1
     D CC1                            1
     D CC2                            1
     D SBA             DS             3
     D SB                             1
     D ROW                            1
     D COL                            1
     D RUDTA           DS
     D SF                             1
     D FFW1                           1
     D FFW2                           1
     D ATR                            1
     D FL                             4B 0
     D                 DS
     D BIN2                           4B 0
     D  BINLWB                        1    OVERLAY(BIN2:2)
      * START of work fields
     D #A              S              5  0
     D #AD             S              3  0
     D #ADCTL          S              3  0
     D #B              S              5  0
     D #B1             S              5  0
     D #CNT            S              5  0
     D #IX             S              5  0
     D #NL             S              5  0
     D #OVER           S              5  0
     D Override        S             60    inz('OVRDSPF SC0100DF -
     D                                      SC0100DX LVLCHK(*NO) -
     D                                      OVRSCOPE(*CALLLVL)')
     D #WKR            S              3  0
     D #WKX            S              3  0
     D CMDLen          S             15  5
     D CMDTXT          S             60
     D ECOL            S              3  0
     D ERR             S              1
     D FTYPE           S              1
     D HALF            S              3  0
     D HLDATR          S              1
     D KEY             S              1
     D NM              S              1
     D RCOL            S              3  0
     D SCOL            S              3  0
     D W$len           S              3  0
      * END of work fields
      *  Prototype for SWRWINRI
     D WriteWindow     PR
     D FUNC_                          1
     D CHAR_                        256
     D LEN_                           3  0
     D ROWI_                          3  0
     D COLI_                          3  0
     D KEY_                           1
     D ERR_                           1
      *  *ENTRY Interface for Main Procedure
     P WriteWindow     B                   export
     D WriteWindow     PI
     D DspFunction                    1
     D CharString                   256
     D StringLen                      3  0
     D RowIn                          3  0
     D ColIn                          3  0
     D Key                            1
     D Err                            1
     C                   SELECT
B001 C                   WHEN      *IN01 = *OFF
B001 C                   EXSR      @FIRST
     C                   ENDSL
      * Allow 198 bytes for string, up to 18 possible 1 byte fields,
      * 6 bytes require for definition = 108
      * plus 18 bytes of default data  = 126
      * plus 18 spaces between fields and the definition
      * 18 x 4 = 72, 126 + 72 = 198; 1900 - 198 = 1702
      * Allow 198 bytes for string, up to 18 possible 1 byte fields,
     C                   SELECT
B001 C                   WHEN      #IX > 1702
B001 C                   EXSR      @WRITE
     C                   ENDSL
     C                   EVAL      ERR = 'N'
B001 C                   IF        DspFunction = 'P'
B002 C                   IF        RowIn< 1
 002 C                             OR RowIn> 24
 002 C                   EVAL      ERR = 'Y'
E002 C                   ENDIF
 001  *
B002 C                   IF        ColIn< 1
 002 C                             OR ColIn> 80
 002 C                   EVAL      ERR = 'Y'
E002 C                   ENDIF
 001  *
B002 C                   IF        StringLen< 1
 002 C                             OR StringLen> 256
 002 C                   EVAL      ERR = 'Y'
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
B001 C                   IF        DspFunction <> 'I'
 001 C                             AND DspFunction <> 'P'
 001 C                             AND Dspfunction <> 'R'
 001 C                             AND DspFunction <> 'W'
 001 C                             AND DspFunction <> 'Q'
 001 C                   EVAL      ERR = 'Y'
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   IF        ERR <> 'Y'
     C                   SELECT
B001 C                   WHEN      DspFunction = 'I'
B001 C                   EXSR      @INIT
 001 C                   WHEN      DspFunction = 'P'
 001 C                   EXSR      @PUT
 001 C                   WHEN      DspFunction = 'R'
 001 C                   EXSR      @READ
 001 C                   WHEN      DspFunction = 'W'
 001 C                   EXSR      @WRITE
     C                   ENDSL
     C                   ENDIF
B001 C                   IF        DspFunction = 'Q'
 001 C                   EVAL      *IN01 = *OFF
     C                   IF        %OPEN(SC0100DF)
     C                   CLOSE     SC0100DF
E001 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   RETURN
     C     @FIRST        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      *IN01 = *ON
     C                   MOVEL(P)  OVERRIDE      CMDTXT
     C                   EVAL      CMDLEN = 60
     C                   CALL      'QCMDEXC'                              LR
     C                   PARM                    CMDTXT
     C                   PARM                    CMDLEN
B001 C                   IF        *INLR = *ON
 001 C                   EVAL      ERR = 'Y'
 001 C                   RETURN
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   IF        NOT %OPEN(SC0100DF)
     C                   OPEN      SC0100DF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   EXSR      @INIT
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @INIT         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      RCOL = *ZERO
      * Initialize control bytes, set all bits off
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    ESC1
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    CFT
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    ESC
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    WTD
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    CC1
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    CC2
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    SB
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    SF
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    FFW1
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    FFW2
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    ATR
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    NM
      * Set control characters by setting bits on
     C                   BITON     '5'           ESC1                           HEX'04'
     C                   BITON     '13'          CFT                            HEX'50'
     C                   BITON     '5'           ESC                            HEX'04'
     C                   BITON     '37'          WTD                            HEX'11'
     C                   BITON     '234'         CC2                            HEX'38'
     C                   BITON     '37'          SB                             HEX'11'
     C                   BITON     '3457'        SF                             HEX'1D'
     C                   BITON     '14'          FFW1
     C                   BITON     '256'         ATR
     C                   BITON     '2'           NM
     C                   EVAL      STREAM = *BLANKS
     C                   MOVEA     CFTCTL        S(6)
     C                   MOVEA     RUCTL         S(8)
     C                   EVAL      #IX = 12
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @PUT          BEGSR
      * Initialize character array, convert row, column and length
     C                   MOVEA     CharString    C(1)
     C                   EXSR      @CVTRC
     C                   EVAL      W$Len= StringLen
      * Adjust length of text sting if necessary
     C                   EXSR      @ADJST
      * Define the starting column of the field
     C                   EVAL      #B = 1
B001 C                   DOU       *IN51 = *OFF
 001 C     '~'           LOOKUP    C(#B)                                  51
B002 C                   IF        *IN51 = *ON
 002 C                   EVAL      SCOL = #B
 002  * Define the ending column
 002 C                   EVAL      #B = #B + 1
 002 C     '~'           LOOKUP    C(#B)                                  51
B003 C                   IF        *IN51 = *ON
 003 C                   EVAL      ECOL = #B
 003 C                   EVAL      FL = ECOL - SCOL
 003 C                   EVAL      FL = FL - 1
 003 C                   EVAL      FTYPE = 'A'
B004 C                   FOR       #B1 = SCOL TO ECOL
B005 C                   IF        C(#B1) = '.'
 005 C                   EVAL      FTYPE = 'N'
E005 C                   ENDIF
E004 C                   ENDFOR
 003  *
B004 C                   IF        FTYPE = 'A'
 004 C                   BITOFF    '567'         FFW1
 004 C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    FFW2
 004 C                   BITON     '2'           FFW2
X004 C                   ELSE
 004 C                   BITON     '567'         FFW1
 004 C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    FFW2
E004 C                   ENDIF
 003  * write buffer address codes and field definitions
 003 C                   EVAL      BIN2 = ColIn+ SCOL
 003 C                   EVAL      BIN2 = BIN2 - 1
 003 C                   EVAL      COL = BINLWB
 003 C                   MOVEA     SBA           S(#IX)
 003 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 3
 003  * include field definitions
 003 C                   MOVEA     RUDTA         S(#IX)
 003 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 6
 003  * include default data (if any)
B004 C                   FOR       #B1 = SCOL TO ECOL
B005 C                   IF        C(#B1) <> '~'
 005 C                             AND C(#B1) <> '.'
B006 C                   IF        C(#B1) <> '_'
 006 C                   EVAL      S(#IX) = C(#B1)
 006 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 1
X006 C                   ELSE
 006 C                   EVAL      S(#IX) = *BLANK
 006 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 1
E006 C                   ENDIF
E005 C                   ENDIF
 004  *
E004 C                   ENDFOR
 003  *
 003  * If field is numeric, make sure sign character is blank
B004 C                   IF        FTYPE = 'N'
 004 C                   EVAL      S(#IX) = *BLANK
 004 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 1
E004 C                   ENDIF
 003  *
 003 C                   EVAL      #B = #B + 1
E003 C                   ENDIF
 002  *
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDDO
      * Create text strings
     C                   EXSR      @CVTRC
     C                   MOVEA     SBA           S(#IX)
     C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 3
      * Find the beginning text attribute
     C                   EXSR      @ATR
      * write text to screen/ignore input definitions
      * skip all input defined fields
B001 C                   FOR       #B = 1 TO W$Len
B002 C                   IF        C(#B) = '~'
 002 C                   EVAL      #B = #B + 1
B003 C                   DOU       C(#B) = '~'
 003 C                   EVAL      #B = #B + 1
E003 C                   ENDDO
 002  * Send a new buffer address for the rest of the text
 002 C                   EVAL      BIN2 = #B + ColIn
 002 C                   EVAL      BIN2 = BIN2 - 1
 002 C                   EVAL      COL = BINLWB
 002 C                   MOVEA     SBA           S(#IX)
 002 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 3
 002 C                   EVAL      S(#IX) = HLDATR
 002 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 1
X002 C                   ELSE
 002 C                   EVAL      S(#IX) = C(#B)
 002 C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 1
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDFOR
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @READ         BEGSR
      * Set control bits for send/receive
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    OP
     C                   BITON     '12367'       OP                             HEX/73
      * Set request unit to read screen
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    WTD
     C                   BITON     '16'          WTD                            HEX/42
      * Add read request to data stream
     C                   MOVEA     RUCTL         S(#IX)
     C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX + 4
     C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX - 6
     C                   EVAL      LSND = #IX
     C                   EVAL      LREC = 1900
      * request I/O to device file
     C                   EXFMT     USERFMT
      * clear return values
     C                   EVAL      CharString= *BLANK
      * set return values
     C                   EVAL      BIN2 = *ZERO
     C                   EVAL      BINLWB = S(1)
     C                   EVAL      RowIn= BIN2
     C                   EVAL      BIN2 = *ZERO
     C                   EVAL      BINLWB = S(2)
     C                   EVAL      ColIn= BIN2
     C                   EVAL      KEY = S(3)
     C                   MOVEA     S(4)          CharString
      * clear and initialize data stream
     C                   MOVEA     *BLANKS       S(1)
     C                   EXSR      @INIT
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @WRITE        BEGSR
      * Set operation control bits to send
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    OP
     C                   BITON     '1237'        OP                             HEX/71
     C                   EVAL      #IX = #IX - 6
     C                   EVAL      LSND = #IX
     C                   EVAL      LREC = *ZERO
      * request ouput to device file
     C                   WRITE     USERFMT
      * clear and initialize data stream
     C                   MOVEA     *BLANKS       S(1)
     C                   EXSR      @INIT
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @ATR          BEGSR
      * Set default hold attribute to normal
     C                   EVAL      HLDATR = NM
      * divide length of screen by 2, calulate the last screen
      * attribute before the text begins
     C                   EVAL      HALF = W$Len/ 2
B001 C                   IF        HALF > 1
B002 C                   FOR       #A = 1 TO HALF
 002 C                   TESTB     '01'          C(#A)                51
B003 C                   IF        *IN51 = *ON
 003 C                   TESTB     '2'           C(#A)                    51
E003 C                   ENDIF
B003 C                   IF        *IN51 = *ON
 003 C                   EVAL      HLDATR = C(#A)
E003 C                   ENDIF
E002 C                   ENDFOR
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @ADJST        BEGSR
      * Test and set field length
     C                   EVAL      RCOL = ColIn+ W$Len
     C                   EVAL      RCOL = RCOL - 1
B001 C                   IF        RCOL > 80
 001 C                   EVAL      #OVER = #OVER - 80
 001 C                   EVAL      W$Len= W$Len- #OVER
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   EVAL      #NL = W$Len+ 1
     C                   MOVEA     *BLANKS       C(#NL)
      * Check to see if field has been truncated
      * if field is truncated remove it
     C                   EVAL      #CNT = *ZERO
B001 C                   FOR       #AD = 1 TO W$Len
B002 C                   IF        C(#AD) = '~'
 002 C                   EVAL      #CNT = #CNT + 1
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDFOR
B001 C                   IF        #CNT <> *ZERO
 001 C     #CNT          DIV       2             #WKX
 001 C                   MVR                     #WKR
B002 C                   IF        #WKR <> *ZERO
 002 C                   EVAL      #AD = W$Len
B003 C                   FOR       #ADCTL = 1 TO W$Len
B004 C                   IF        C(#AD) = '~'
 004 C                   EVAL      C(#AD) = *BLANK
 004 C                   EVAL      #ADCTL = W$Len
X004 C                   ELSE
 004 C                   EVAL      C(#AD) = *BLANK
E004 C                   ENDIF
 003 C                   EVAL      #AD = #AD - 1
E003 C                   ENDFOR
E002 C                   ENDIF
E001 C                   ENDIF
     C                   ENDSR
     C     @CVTRC        BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      BIN2 = *ZERO
     C                   EVAL      BIN2 = RowIn
     C                   EVAL      ROW = BINLWB
     C                   EVAL      BIN2 = ColIn
     C                   EVAL      COL = BINLWB
     C                   ENDSR
     P WriteWindow     E

Prompt Window for Description

Here is another example of the window process in use. This time the window is a different size, the input capable field is now 25 characters, and placed at the bottom of the window instead of at the top. This is a generic help process. The code is archaic; the result is a write-once-use-anywhere type of effort. Using DDS keywords such as: ASSUME, KEEP, OVERLAY, PUTOVR, or WINDOW is much simpler to understand. However, this application development effort produced a window overlay that can be dynamically sized. Input capable fields are designed to be expandable--all without recompiling a display file or program. Think about that for a moment. The fields can even change from character to numeric without changing any code!

Bit ON Bit OFF

The data stream written to the display is controlled by bit patterns. The color attributes may be defined by incorporating a variable with a color by using one of the bit patterns listed in the box below.

      * BIT 0    = '0'
      * BIT 1    = '1' (DEFAULT)
      * BIT 2,3  = '0'
      * BIT 4    = '1' SET MDT = 'ON'
      * BIT 5-7  = '000' ALPHA FIELD
      * BIT 5-7  = '111' NUMERIC FIELD
      * BIT 5-7  = '110' LIGHT PEN
      * BIT 0-7  = '0' NUMERIC
      * BIT 2    = '1' ALPHA (UPPER CASE)
      * Attribute definition -
      *** Normal.........  BITON'2'
      *** Reverse........  BITON'27'
      *** High Intensity.  BITON'26'
      *** HI/Reverse.....  BITON'267'
      *** Underscore.....  BITON'25'
      *** Underscore/RI..  BITON'256'
      *** Green..........  BITON'1'
      *** Pink...........  BITON'234'
      *** Yellow.........  BITON'236'
      *** Red............  BITON'24'
      *** Blue...........  BITON'2346'
      *** Turquoise......  BITON'23'
      *** White..........  BITON'26'
      *** Green reverse..  BITON'27'
      *** Pink reverse...  BITON'2347'
      *** Yellow reverse.  BITON'2367'
      *** Red reverse....  BITON'247'
      *** Blue reverse...  BITON'23467'
      *** Turq reverse...  BITON'237'
      *** White reverse..  BITON'267'
      *** Blinking.......  BITON'246'

Control Words

Initializing the bits for control words, escape, and the write to display (WTD) instruction is tedious. I never found the time to convert the code to simply move HEX values to the variables.

     C     @INIT         BEGSR
     C                   EVAL      RCOL = *ZERO
      * Initialize control bytes, set all bits off
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    ESC1
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    CFT
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    ESC
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    WTD
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    CC1
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    CC2
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    SB
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    SF
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    FFW1
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    FFW2
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    ATR
     C                   BITOFF    '01234567'    NM
      * Set control characters by setting bits on
     C                   BITON     '5'           ESC1                           HEX'04'
     C                   BITON     '13'          CFT                            HEX'50'
     C                   BITON     '5'           ESC                            HEX'04'
     C                   BITON     '37'          WTD                            HEX'11'
     C                   BITON     '234'         CC2                            HEX'38'
     C                   BITON     '37'          SB                             HEX'11'
     C                   BITON     '3457'        SF                             HEX'1D'
     C                   BITON     '14'          FFW1
     C                   BITON     '256'         ATR
     C                   BITON     '2'           NM
     C                   EVAL      STREAM = *BLANKS
     C                   MOVEA     CFTCTL        S(6)
     C                   MOVEA     RUCTL         S(8)
     C                   EVAL      #IX = 12
     C                   ENDSR

Prompt for Window

The RPG modules are part of the generic help equation. A CLLE module is also a part of the service. It provides the override to the help window (member) associated with the program.

/* Program Id...........  PROMPTER - Generic prompt processor            */
/*                                                                       */
/* Programmer...........  Steven Croy                                    */
/* Analyst..............  Steven Croy                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/* Function.............  This provides the override information         */
/*                        to select the correct window to                */
/*                        process.                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/* Compiler options.....  *OWNER                                         */
/*                                                                       */
/*                   PROGRAM INTERFACE SECTION                           */
/*                                                                       */
/* CALLED BY PROGRAMS:                                                   */
/* CALLS PROGRAMS:                                                       */
/*                                                                       */
/*                   MODIFICATION LOG                                    */
/*                                                                       */
/*   DATE   PROGRAMMER      DESCRIPTION                                  */
/*                                                                       */
/* Program and Declarative Section:                                      */
PGM        PARM(                                                          +
                &PRGNAM                                                   +
                &WINDOW                                                   +
                &DATA                                                     +
/* Constant definitions                                                  */
/*         Variable    Type     Length           Value                   */
DCL        &#ON        *CHAR    LEN(1)           VALUE('1')
/* Variable definitions                                                  */
/*         Variable    Type     Length           Value                   */
DCL        &PRGNAM     *CHAR    LEN(10)
DCL        &WINDOW     *CHAR    LEN(10)
DCL        &DATA       *CHAR    LEN(256)
DCL        &RDATA      *CHAR    LEN(256)
DCL        &MSGID      *CHAR    LEN(7)
DCL        &MSGDTA     *CHAR    LEN(100)
DCL        &DSPSTRING  *CHAR    LEN(255)
DCL        &DSPTITLE   *CHAR    LEN(27)
/* Begin Procedure Section:                                              */
/*   Define monitor messages to prevent a process from sending CPF       */
/*   error messages to the user, or operator. Point to a error           */
/*   handling section of the program.                                    */


/* Call RPG program to display help window                               */

                          SECURE(*YES) OVRSCOPE(*CALLLVL)
             MONMSG     MSGID(RNX0224)
             DLTOVR     FILE(INPUT) LVL(*)
             CHGVAR     VAR(&DATA) VALUE(&RDATA)

GOTO       CMDLBL(EndPgm)

/* Help text not available section                                       */

                          MSGDTA('    Could not find help member or +
                          prompt for program ' *CAT &PRGNAM) +
                          TOPGMQ(*EXT) MSGTYPE(*STATUS)

             GOTO       CMDLBL(EndPgm)
/* Error Handling Section:                                               */
/*   Define a method of sending diagnostic and escape messages           */
/*   to prevent CPF messages from being passed to the user for           */
/*   reply, or action, (C G I R D S).                                    */

             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(EndPgm))
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF0000) EXEC(GOTO CMDLBL(EndPgm))
