SQL FETCH Operations

Retrieving information in SQL

Scroll cursors allow directional options such as FETCH NEXT, FETCH FIRST, FETCH LAST, FETCH PRIOR, FETCH RELATIVE and FETCH ABSOLUTE. In addition, changes to the underlying tables are reflected in the cursor. There is a performance consideration; the cursor is re-evaluated on each call. In this case the FETCH NEXT returns the row into an externally defined data structure.

Fetch Next

       Dcl-DS Control extName('CSGCTLPF') preFix(n_) ;
      * reading next record

       Dcl-Proc getNextCSGtableEntry   export ;
       Dcl-PI   getNextCSGtableEntry   ind    End-PI ;

       Dcl-S rowFound      ind  ;

           FROM CSGcontrolCursor
             INTO :Control;

          IF SQLSTT <> SQLsttOK ;
             rowFOUND = *OFF    ;
          ELSE                  ;
             rowFOUND = *ON     ;
          ENDIF                 ;

          RETURN rowFOUND       ;

       End-Proc getNextCSGtableEntry   

Multiple Row Fetch

The code below works with an insensitive cursor. Using the diagnostic function, the file cursor is checked immediately after open to determine how many rows match the selection criteria. The FETCH FOR N ROWS retrieves a block of data INTO a multiple occrrence data structure. Since the data necessary for the process has been returned to the program, the cursor is then closed. Processing the data is then performed through the DS using %OCCUR.

      ActGrp('DLYRPT') BndDir( 'QC2LE' );

  //*  Program Name         : CSG078RP                                 *
  //*  Program Description  : CSG IMB missing scan summary             *
  //*  Date                 : 1/22/19                                  *
  //*  Author               : Steve Croy                               *
  //*                                                                  *
  //*                  Modification Log                                *
  //*                                                                  *
  //*  Project  Marker Date       Description                          *
  //*                                                                  *

     Dcl-F CSG078PR printer(*ext) oflind(*in73) usropn ;

     Dcl-PR Exit     Extproc('exit') ;
          *N       uns(3:0) value  ;
     Dcl-S indPtr          pointer  inz( %addr(*in) )  ;

     Dcl-DS indicators     len(99)  based( indPtr )    ;
        overFlowLine       ind      pos(73)            ;
     End-DS ;

     Dcl-DS textRecords               Occurs(366);
       trnDate    zoned(8:0)  ;
       unIndexed   int(10)    ;
       fileName    char(8)    ;

     Dcl-DS imageRecords              Occurs(700);
       idxDte      char(10)   ;
       idxRec      int(10)    ;
       csgName     char(40)   ;

     Dcl-C SQLstsOK            '00000' ;
     Dcl-C SQLstsEOF           '02000' ;

     Dcl-S rows                int(10) ;
     Dcl-S rowCount            int(10) ;
     Dcl-S x                   int(10) ;
     Dcl-S billable        zoned(9:2)  ;
     Dcl-S records             int(10) ;
     Dcl-S firstDate           date    ;
     Dcl-S lastDate            date    ;
     Dcl-S dateToday           date    ;
     Dcl-S printDate           date    ;
     Dcl-S fromDate       zoned(8:0)   ;
     Dcl-S toDate         zoned(8:0)   ;
     Dcl-S printJob        char(8)     ;

       Exec SQL
          set option
          Commit = *None,
          Naming = *Sys,
          DECRESULT = (63, 63, 0),
          datfmt = *ISO        ;

     Dcl-Proc CSG078RP ;

       Dcl-PI *N                  extPgm('CSG078RP')        ;
          sysPrint   char(2)      const                     ;
          startDate  char(8)      const options(*NoPASS)    ;
          EndDate    char(8)      const options(*NoPASS)    ;

       Monitor                              ;
       If %parms < 3                        ;
         firstDate = %date()                ;
         lastDate = firstDate + %days(1)    ;
       Else                                 ;
         firstDate = %date(startDate:*ISO0) ;
         lastDate = %date(endDate:*ISO0)    ;
       Endif                                ;
       On-error                             ;
         exit(0)                            ;
       EndMon                               ;

       fromDate  = %dec(firstDate:*ISO)     ;
       toDate   = %dec(lastDate:*ISO)       ;
       dateToday= %date()                   ;

       Clear *all TextRecords  ;
       rowCount      = 0       ;
       records       = 0       ;

       Exec SQL Close CSG078c1 ;

       //* create cursor for report

       Exec SQL
         Declare CSG078c1 insensitive cursor for
         ( SELECT prtdate, count(*), substr(prpdffil,1,8)
           FROM csglogpf a Left join csgpompf b on A.PRGUID = B.PMGUID
           Where prtdate between :fromDate and :toDate
              and prpdffil
           like '%' concat :sysPrint concat '%' and b.pmguid is null
           Group by substr(prpdffil,1,8), prtdate
           Order by prtdate, substr(prpdffil,1,8) ) ;

       Exec SQL Open  CSG078c1 ;
       EXEC SQL
            get diagnostics :rows = db2_number_rows;

       If not %open(CSG078pr) ;
          open  CSG078pr  ;
       EndIf              ;

       Select ;
         When sysPrint = 'BB'          ;
           mclass = 'Bulk Certificate' ;
         When sysPrint = 'BC'          ;
           mclass = 'Proof of Mail'    ;
         When sysPrint = 'BE'          ;
           mclass = 'Certified'        ;
       EndSl ;

       write CSG078h1     ; // Write title line
       write CSG078h2     ; // Write report heading

       If rows > 0 ;

          Exec SQL fetch CSG078c1 for :rows rows into :textRecords ;
          Exec SQL Close CSG078c1 ;

          totDue     = 0                              ;

          For x = 1 to rows                           ;
             %occur(textRecords) = x                  ;
             missing = unIndexed                      ;
             printDate = %date(trnDate:*ISO)          ;
             ovrDue = %Diff(dateToday: printDate: *Days) ;
             misstot += unIndexed                     ;
             If overFlowLine                          ;
                write CSG078H1                        ;
                write CSG078H2                        ;
                overFlowLine = *Off                   ;
             Endif                                    ;

             write CSG078d1                           ;

             If ovrDue > 3                            ;
                totDue += 1                           ;
             Endif                                    ;

          EndFor                                      ;


       write CSG078t1     ; // Write total line

  //*  Missing image section                                           *

       Select ;
         When sysPrint = 'BB'    ;
           printJob = '76400010' ;
         When sysPrint = 'BC'    ;
           printJob = '76400015' ;
         When sysPrint = 'BE'    ;
           printJob = '76400025' ;
       EndSl ;
       Clear *all imageRecords ;
       rowCount      = 0       ;
       records       = 0       ;
       overFlowline  = *On     ;
       Exec SQL Close CSG078c2 ;

       Exec SQL
         Declare CSG078c2 insensitive cursor for
           (  SELECT pmpdte, count(*), substring(pmfile,1,40) as CSGNAME
              FROM csgpompf
              where pmpdte between :startDate and :endDate
                and pmindx <> 'Y'
                 and pmfile like '%' concat :printJob concat '%'
              Group by pmfile,pmpdte
              Order by pmpdte ) ;

       Exec SQL Open  CSG078c2 ;
       EXEC SQL
            get diagnostics :rows = db2_number_rows;

       write CSG078h1     ; // Write title line
       write CSG078h2     ; // Write report heading

       If rows > 0 ;

          Exec SQL fetch CSG078c2 for :rows rows into :imageRecords ;
          Exec SQL Close CSG078c2 ;

          totDue     = 0                              ;

          For x = 1 to rows                           ;
             %occur(imageRecords) = x                 ;
             printDate = %date(idxDte:*ISO0)          ;
             idxDte    = %char(printDate:*ISO)        ;
             pstDue = %Diff(dateToday: printDate: *Days) ;
             idxCnt   = idxRec                        ;
             idxtot  += idxCnt                        ;
             If overFlowLine                          ;
                write CSG078H1                        ;
                write CSG078H3                        ;
                overFlowLine = *Off                   ;
             Endif                                    ;

             write CSG078d2                           ;
             imgCnt += 1                              ;

          EndFor                                      ;


       write CSG078t2     ; // Write total line

       IF %open(CSG078pr) ;
          close CSG078pr  ;
       EndIf              ;

       *InLR = *On;
       exit(0) ;
       Return ;

     End-Proc CSG078RP ;