Set Color Procedure

Manipulate 5250 color using a display attribute field.

Set Color Procedure

This was written quite some time ago. A project called for a new field on a display required to be in a specific color. The problem was--all 99 conditioning indicators had already been used.

After the project, it was added to a common service program so that it might be used in any application program. There are advantages to using this instead of indicators to change display field attributes. It doesn't require the DDS to change if the color attribute needs to change. The technique is much older than the code. The first time I wrote this, I had to use BITON and BITOFF to set the bit pattern to represent the color attributes.

     H DEBUG(*YES)                                                                                  
     H nomain                                                                                       
      * PROGRAM NAME - SC0062RM                                      *                              
      *                                                              *                              
      * FUNCTION     - This is a module designed to set the hex code *                              
      *                byte for display attributes                   *                              
      *                                                              *                              
      * PROGRAMMER   - STEVE CROY        08/12/09                    *                              
      *                   MODIFICATION LOG                           *                              
      *                                                              *                              
      *  DATE   PROGRAMMER      DESCRIPTION                          *                              
      *                                                              *                              
      * Prototypes                                                                                  
      /copy qrpglesrc,SC0000_pr                                                                     
     P SetColor        B                   export                                                   
     D SetColor        PI             1A                                                            
     D   colorValue                   3    CONST OPTIONS(*OMIT:*NOPASS)                             
     D   colorAttr                    2    CONST OPTIONS(*NOPASS)                                   
     D   fieldPr                      2    CONST OPTIONS(*NOPASS)                                   
     D Up              C                   'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'                             
     D Lo              C                   'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'                             
      * Define constants                                                                            
     D Blue            C                   Const(X'3A')                                             
     D Green           C                   Const(X'20')                                             
     D Pink            C                   Const(X'38')                                             
     D Red             C                   Const(X'28')                                             
     D Turquoise       C                   Const(X'30')                                             
     D White           C                   Const(X'22')                                             
     D Yellow          C                   Const(X'32')                                             
     D Blink           C                   CONST(X'2A')                                             
     D NonDisplay      C                   CONST(X'27')                                             
     D Protect         C                   Const(X'80')                                             
     D Reverse         C                   Const(X'01')                                             
     D Underline       C                   Const(X'04')                                             
     D   color         S              3A                                                            
     D   attr          S              2A                                                            
     D   pr            S              2A                                                            
     D   attribute     S              1A                                                            
         IF %parms < 1  or %addr(colorvalue) = *null                ;                               
           color = 'GRN'                                            ;                               
         ELSE                                                       ;                               
           color = %xlate(lo: up: colorValue)                       ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         IF %parms < 2                                              ;                               
           attr  = '  '                                             ;                               
         ELSE                                                       ;                               
           attr  = %xlate(lo: up: ColorAttr)                        ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         IF %parms > 2                                              ;                               
           pr = 'PR'                                                ;                               
         ELSE                                                       ;                               
           pr = *blank                                              ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         SELECT                                                     ;                               
             WHEN Color = 'BLU'                                     ;                               
                attribute = Blue                                    ;                               
             WHEN Color = 'PNK'                                     ;                               
                attribute = Pink                                    ;                               
             WHEN Color = 'RED'                                     ;                               
                attribute = Red                                     ;                               
             WHEN Color = 'TRQ'                                     ;                               
                attribute = Turquoise                               ;                               
             WHEN Color = 'WHT'                                     ;                               
                attribute = White                                   ;                               
             WHEN Color = 'YLW'                                     ;                               
                attribute = Yellow                                  ;                               
             OTHER                                                  ;                               
                attribute = Green                                   ;                               
         ENDSL                                                      ;                               
         IF attr = 'UL' or attr = 'UR'                              ;                               
             attribute = %bitOr(attribute:Underline)                ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         IF attr = 'RI' or attr = 'UR'                              ;                               
             attribute = %bitOr(attribute:Reverse)                  ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         IF attr = 'BL'                                             ;                               
             attribute = Blink                                      ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         IF attr = 'ND'                                             ;                               
             attribute = NonDisplay                                 ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         IF pr = 'PR'                                               ;                               
             attribute = %bitOr(attribute:Protect)                  ;                               
         ENDIF                                                      ;                               
         RETURN attribute                                           ;                               
     P SetColor        E                                        

Setting Color Attributes

The program below is bound to a service program that includes the SETCOLOR procedure. The DDS code is listed on this page. Note that in the initialization process the variable KEYFLDS is set to blue. The command key line on the display will appear in blue because of the value of the P-field.

     H DEBUG(*YES)                                                                                  
     H OPTION(*SRCSTMT : *NODEBUGIO) DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP('QILE')                                  
     H BNDDIR('SC0000_BD')                                                                          
      * Program Name - SC0195RP                                          *                          
      *                                                                  *                          
      * Function     - This program was designed to display softcode     *                          
      *                user maintenance. This display is a pop-up        *                          
      *                window with fields protected in the view mode.    *                          
      *                                                                  *                          
      * Programmer   - Steve Croy        10/19/06                        *                          
      *               PROGRAM INTERFACE SECTION                          *                          
      *                                                                  *                          
      *  CALLED BY PROGRAMS:                                             *                          
      *  CALLS PROGRAMS....:                                             *                          
      *                                                                  *                          
     FSC0195DF  CF   E             WORKSTN                                                          
     F                                     INFDS(DSPDS)                                             
     D USERPR        E DS                  extname(SCUSRSPF)                                        
     D FunctionKey   E DS                  EXTNAME(SCKEYSPF) qualified           Function keys      
     D PGMDS         ESDS                  EXTNAME(SCPSTSPF)                     Pgm status map     
     D DSPDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(SCDSPFPF)                     Display INFDS      
     D MACDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(SCFUNCPF) INZ                 Key map            
     D OPTDS         E DS                  EXTNAME(SCOPTNPF) INZ                 Option map         
     D FUNCT         E DS                  EXTNAME(SCMACRPF) INZ                 Macro map          
     D hostent         DS                  Based(p_hostent)                                         
     D   h_name                        *                                                            
     D   h_aliases                     *                                                            
     D   h_addrtype                  10I 0                                                          
     D   h_length                    10I 0                                                          
     D   h_addr_list                   *                                                            
     D                 DS                                                                           
     D DEC                            4B 0                                                          
     D  BIN                           1    OVERLAY(DEC:2)                                           
      /copy qrpglesrc,SC0000_pr                                                                     
     D gethostbyname   PR              *   ExtProc('gethostbyname')                                 
     D  HostName                       *   Value Options(*String)                                   
      * Define indicators                                                                           
     d indPtr          s               *   inz( %addr(*in) )                                        
      * define named indicators                                                                     
     d indicators      ds            99    based( indPtr )                                          
     d  ScreenChange                   n   overlay( indicators : 22 )                               
     D DFTPOS          DS                  INZ                                                      
     D  DFROW                         2  0 INZ(4)                                                   
     D  DFCOL                         3  0 INZ(20)                                                  
      * Start of work fields                                                                        
     D @at             S              3p 0                                                          
     D attr            S              1                                                             
     D AUTHL           S              3    inz('999')                                               
     D AddMode         S               n                                                            
     D ChangeMode      S               n                                                            
     D CMDKEY          S            720                                                             
     D DeleteMode      S               n                                                            
     D Domain_name     S             90A   Inz                                                      
     D ErrIndicated    S               n                                                            
     D FKEYDS          S              1                                                             
     D l               S              3p 0                                                          
     D M               S              3S 0                                                          
     D MessageString   S            255a                                                            
     D Messagetitle    S             27a   inz('Error SC0195RP Message')                            
     D NoErrorFound    S               n                                                            
     D p_hostent       S               *                                                            
     D ReturnRequested...                                                                           
     D                 S               n                                                            
     D ViewMode        S               n                                                            
      * END of work fields                                                                          
     D SC0195RP        PR                                                                           
     D  p$user                       10                                                             
     D  p$mode                        1                                                             
     D SC0195RP        PI                                                                           
     D  p$user                       10                                                             
     D  p$mode                        1                                                             
         //* Display Screen, test for EOJ, check for functions detected                             
         DOU ReturnRequested                                               ;                        
            EXFMT SC019502                                                 ;                        
            EXSR  @SVCSR                                                   ;                        
            //* Determine what action to perform; get key function                                  
            ReturnRequested = *off                                         ;                        
            EXSR @EditKeyPressed                                           ;                        
           SELECT                                                         ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'EXIT'                                         ;                        
                 EXSR @Exit                                               ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'ADDRECORD'                                    ;                        
                 EXSR @AddMode                                            ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'DLTRECORD'                                    ;                        
                 EXSR @DeleteMode                                         ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'DSPRECORD'                                    ;                        
                 EXSR @ViewMode                                           ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'CHGRECORD'                                    ;                        
                 EXSR @ChangeMode                                         ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'DELETE'                                       ;                        
                 EXSR @DeleteRecord                                       ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'ACTIVATE' and msstat = '0'                    ;                        
                 ActivateUser(p$user)                                     ;                        
                 ReturnRequested = *on                                    ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'EXPIRE'  and msstat = '1'                     ;                        
                 ExpireUser(p$user)                                       ;                        
                 ReturnRequested = *on                                    ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'ENTER' and not ViewMode and not DeleteMode    ;                        
                 EXSR @ENTER                                              ;                        
              WHEN funct = 'ENTER' and ViewMode                           ;                        
                 ReturnRequested = *on                                    ;                        
           ENDSL                                                          ;                        
            funct = *blank                                                 ;                        
            EXSR @GetCmdKeys                                               ;                        
         ENDDO                                                             ;                        
         EXSR @Exit                                                        ;                        
        //* Subroutine to save cursor position                                                      
        BEGSR @SVCSR;                                                                               
           DEC = 0;                                                                                 
           EVALR BIN = ROW;                                                                         
           #ROW = DEC - 4;                                                                          
           DEC  = 0;                                                                                
           EVALR BIN = COL;                                                                         
           #COL = DEC - 10;                                                                         
        //* Initialize data variables and mode                                                      
        BEGSR *INZSR;                                                                               
           FunctionKey = FunctionKeys();                                                            
           z$usrp = p$user;                                                                         
           WRITE SC019500;                                                                          
           WRITE SC019501;                                                                          
           keycolor = SetColor('blu');                                                              
           IF UserFound(p$user);                                                                    
              USERPR = GetUserData();                                                               
              CLEAR USERPR;                                                                         
              p$mode = 'A';                                                                         
           EXSR @MoveData;                                                                          
              WHEN p$mode = 'A';                                                                    
                 EXSR @AddMode;                                                                     
              WHEN p$mode = 'C';                                                                    
                 EXSR @ChangeMode;                                                                  
              WHEN p$mode = 'D';                                                                    
                 EXSR @DeleteMode;                                                                  
                 EXSR @ViewMode;                                                                    
          EXSR @GetCmdKeys;                                                                         
         //* Subroutine to process enter key operations                                             
         BEGSR @Enter                                                      ;                        
            ErrIndicated = *off                                            ;                        
            NoErrorFound = *on                                             ;                        
            IF ScreenChange                                                ;                        
               EXSR @MoveScreen                                            ;                        
               EXSR @validate                                              ;                        
               IF ChangeMode                                               ;                        
                   NoErrorFound = UpdateUser()                             ;                        
                   IF NoErrorFound                                         ;                        
                        attr = setColor('WHT')                             ;                        
                        z$msg1 = attr + 'Record updated.'                  ;                        
                     ELSE                                                  ;                        
                        attr = setColor('RED')                             ;                        
                        z$msg1 = attr + 'Record not updated.'              ;                        
                    ENDIF                                                 ;                        
              ELSE                                                        ;                        
                    NoErrorFound = InsertUser()                           ;                        
                    IF NoErrorFound                                       ;                        
                       attr = setColor('WHT')                             ;                        
                       z$msg1 = attr + 'Record added.'                    ;                        
                    EXSR @AddMode                                         ;                        
                    ELSE                                                  ;                        
                       attr = setColor('RED')                             ;                        
                       z$msg1 = attr + 'Record not added.'                ;                        
                    ENDIF                                                 ;                        
                 ENDIF                                                    ;                        
            ENDIF                                                          ;                        
            IF ChangeMode and not ScreenChange and NoErrorFound            ;                        
               ReturnRequested = *on                                       ;                        
            ENDIF                                                          ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* Subroutine to validate domain name                                                     
         BEGSR @Validate                                                   ;                        
             @at = %scan('@':z$mail:1)                                     ;                        
             l = %len(z$mail)                                              ;                        
             IF @at = 0                                                    ;                        
                %subst(z$mail:l) = '*'                                     ;                        
             ELSE                                                          ;                        
                Domain_name =%Subst(z$mail:@at + 1)                        ;                        
                p_hostEnt = gethostbyname(%trim(Domain_Name))              ;                        
                IF p_hostEnt  = *null                                      ;                        
                   %subst(z$mail:l) = '*'                                  ;                        
                ENDIF                                                      ;                        
             ENDIF                                                         ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* Subroutine to process record delete                                                    
          BEGSR @DeleteRecord                                              ;                        
             NoErrorFound =  DeleteUser()                                  ;                        
             IF NoErrorFound                                               ;                        
                ReturnRequested = *on                                      ;                        
             ELSE                                                          ;                        
                MessageString ='Unable to delete record'                   ;                        
                DisplayMessage(MessageString:messagetitle)                 ;                        
             ENDIF                                                         ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* SET FIELDS FOR RECORD ADD                                                              
         BEGSR @AddMode                                                    ;                        
            z$mode = 'Add'                                                 ;                        
            usrflds = SetColor('GRN':'UL')                                 ;                        
            chgflds = SetColor('GRN':'UL')                                 ;                        
            z$edte = dateToday()                                           ;                        
            z$xdte = 99999999                                              ;                        
            z$usrp = *blanks                                               ;                        
            z$mail = *blanks                                               ;                        
            z$susr = *blanks                                               ;                        
            ChangeMode = *OFF                                              ;                        
            DeleteMode = *off                                              ;                        
            ViewMode = *off                                                ;                        
            AddMode = *ON                                                  ;                        
            #ROW = dfrow - 1                                               ;                        
            #COL = dfcol                                                   ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* SET FIELDS FOR RECORD CHANGE                                                           
         BEGSR @ChangeMode                                                 ;                        
            z$mode = 'Change'                                              ;                        
            usrflds = SetColor('WHT':'NL':'PR')                            ;                        
            chgflds = SetColor('TRQ':'UL')                                 ;                        
            ChangeMode = *ON                                               ;                        
            AddMode = *off                                                 ;                        
            DeleteMode = *off                                              ;                        
            ViewMode = *off                                                ;                        
            #ROW = dfrow                                                   ;                        
            #COL = dfcol                                                   ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* SET FIELDS FOR RECORD Delete                                                           
         BEGSR @DeleteMode                                                 ;                        
            z$mode = 'Delete'                                              ;                        
            usrflds = SetColor('RED':'NL':'PR')                            ;                        
            chgflds = SetColor('RED':'NL':'PR')                            ;                        
            attr = SetColor('RED':'BL')                                    ;                        
            z$msg1 = attr + 'Use function key to delete record.'           ;                        
            DeleteMode = *ON                                               ;                        
            AddMode = *off                                                 ;                        
            ChangeMode = *off                                              ;                        
            ViewMode = *off                                                ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         // * SET FIELDS FOR RECORD View                                                            
         BEGSR @ViewMode                                                   ;                        
            z$mode = 'View'                                                ;                        
            usrflds = SetColor('YLW':'NL':'PR')                            ;                        
            chgflds = SetColor('YLW':'NL':'PR')                            ;                        
            ViewMode = *on                                                 ;                        
            AddMode = *off                                                 ;                        
            DeleteMode = *off                                              ;                        
            ChangeMode = *off                                              ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* Move data to screen fields                                                             
         BEGSR @MoveData                                                   ;                        
            z$usrp = msusrp                                                ;                        
            z$susr = mssusr                                                ;                        
            z$edte = msedte                                                ;                        
            z$xdte = msxdte                                                ;                        
            z$mail = msmail                                                ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
         //* Move Screen fields to database file                                                    
         BEGSR @MoveScreen                                                 ;                        
            setUserName(z$usrp)                                            ;                        
            setSubstitute(z$susr)                                          ;                        
            setUserXdte(z$xdte)                                            ;                        
            setUserEdte(z$edte)                                            ;                        
            setUserEmail(z$mail)                                           ;                        
         ENDSR                                                             ;                        
        //* Subroutine to edit command key functions                                                
        //* The program name, panel ID and the key are used to retreive the                         
        //* function macro. If the call fails, default to EXIT.                                     
        BEGSR @EditKeyPressed                                              ;                        
          fkeyds = KeyPressed                                              ;                        
          funct = *BLANKS                                                  ;                        
          fpgmid = PRGNAM                                                  ;                        
          fpnlid = UpperCase(z$mode:%size(z$mode))                         ;                        
          fmacro = *BLANKS                                                 ;                        
          MONITOR                                                          ;                        
             GetFunction(fpgmid:fpnlid:fkeyds:fkeyid:fmacro:authl)         ;                        
          ON-ERROR                                                         ;                        
             MessageString ='Error occurred editing function key'          ;                        
             DisplayMessage(MessageString:messagetitle)                    ;                        
          ENDMON                                                           ;                        
          FUNCT = FMACRO                                                   ;                        
       ENDSR                                                               ;                        
       // * Subroutine to Get the command keys for the application                                  
       BEGSR @GetCmdKeys;                                                                           
          fpgmid = PRGNAM;                                                                          
          fpnlid = UpperCase(z$mode:%size(z$mode))                         ;                        
          CMDKEY = *BLANKS;                                                                         
             MessageString ='Error occurred getting keys'                  ;                        
             DisplayMessage(MessageString:messagetitle)                    ;                        
          DisplayKeys(cmdkey: z$key1: z$key2: M);                                                   
         //* PROCESS END OF REQUEST                                                                 
         BEGSR @EXIT;                                                                               
            *INLR = *ON;                                                                            

Note that in other subroutines the color values vary. In the delete mode, the screen fields will display in red. In the add mode, all of the fields will be green and underlined. In the change mode, the KEYFLDS will be displayed in white (HI) and are protected from change, while the fields that can be changed (CHGFLDS) will be underlined in turquoise. If the program was launched in view mode, the fields will be in will be displayed in yellow and will be protectede (PR)--no changes are allowed. By judicious use of the P-fields and the SETCOLOR service, the same display panel may be used for VIEW, CHANGE, DELETE, and ADD, without resorting to indicators.