Writing ASCII Data
RPG can manage EBCIDIC or ASCII data.

This is an example of a program that writes stream file information to a network folder. The program creates the file, specifying a code page. Reading from a database table, the information from the row and columns is written to the stream file.
ctl-Opt DEBUG(*YES) OPTION(*SRCSTMT : *NODEBUGIO) DFTACTGRP(*NO) ACTGRP('HSFTRN') Main(CSG080RP ) EXTBININT(*YES) BNDDIR('QC2LE') ; //*************************************************************** //* PROGRAM NAME - CSG080RP //* FUNCTION - Copy HSF output to Export directory. //* PROGRAMMER - Steve Croy 07/20/17 //* *************************************************************** Dcl-F csglogpf disk(*ext) usage (*output) usropn ; Dcl-F prttrans disk(*ext) usage (*input:*delete) usropn INFDS(DBFeedBk); *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Procedure prototypes *--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-PR access int(10) extproc('access') ; pathptr1 pointer value ; mode1 int(10) value ; End-Pr ; Dcl-PR open int(10) EXTPROC('open') ; filename pointer VALUE ; openflags int(10) VALUE ; mode int(10) Value OPTIONS(*NOPASS); codepage uns(10) VALUE OPTIONS(*NOPASS); End-Pr ; Dcl-PR write int(10) EXTPROC('write') ; filehandle int(10) VALUE ; datatowrite pointer VALUE ; nbytes uns(10) VALUE ; End-Pr ; Dcl-PR close int(10) EXTPROC('close'); filehandle int(10) VALUE ; End-Pr ; Dcl-Pr exit extProc('exit') ; *n uns(3) value ; END-PR; Dcl-Pr syscmd int(10) extproc('system') ; cmd pointer value options(*string) ; End-Pr ; Dcl-Pr getCSGdestination extpgm('CSG005RP') ; area char(15) const ; element char(25) const ; rtnvalue char(200) ; End-Pr ; *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Data Structures *--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-DS *N PSDS ; thisPgm char(10) pos(1); thisUser char(10) pos(254); End-DS; Dcl-DS DBFeedBk ; nbrRecords binDec(9:0) pos(156) ; End-DS ; dcl-ds inRecord likerec(PTRANR:*input); dcl-ds logRecord likerec(RCSGLOG : *output); *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Global constants *--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-C SQLsttOK Const( '00000' ) ; Dcl-C SQLsttEOF Const( '02000' ) ; Dcl-C lf const(x'0d25') ; *--------------------------------------------------------------- * Global variables *--------------------------------------------------------------- *** File Access Modes for open() Dcl-S O_RDONLY int(10) INZ(1) ; Dcl-S O_WRONLY int(10) INZ(2) ; Dcl-S O_RDWR int(10) INZ(4) ; Dcl-S O_CREAT int(10) INZ(8) ; Dcl-S O_EXCL int(10) INZ(16) ; Dcl-S O_TRUNC int(10) INZ(64) ; *** File Status Flags for open() Dcl-S O_NONBLOCK int(10) INZ(128) ; Dcl-S O_APPEND int(10) INZ(256) ; *** file permissions Dcl-S S_IRUSR int(10) INZ(256) ; Dcl-S S_IWUSR int(10) INZ(128) ; Dcl-S S_IXUSR int(10) INZ(64) ; Dcl-S S_IRWXU int(10) INZ(448) ; Dcl-S S_IRGRP int(10) INZ(32) ; Dcl-S S_IWGRP int(10) INZ(16) ; Dcl-S S_IXGRP int(10) INZ(8) ; Dcl-S S_IRWXG int(10) INZ(56) ; Dcl-s S_IROTH int(10) INZ(4) ; Dcl-s S_IWOTH int(10) INZ(2) ; Dcl-s S_IXOTH int(10) INZ(1) ; Dcl-S S_IRWXO int(10) INZ(7) ; Dcl-S O_TEXTDATA int(10) INZ(16777216) ; Dcl-S O_CODEPAGE int(10) INZ(8388608) ; Dcl-s DateISO char(8) ; Dcl-s ptrToPolDS pointer ; Dcl-s ptrToUntDs pointer ; Dcl-s ptrToDrvDs pointer ; Dcl-s ptfToMsgAry pointer ; Dcl-S stateCode char(2) ; Dcl-s pEffDate zoned(8:0) ; Dcl-s result ind inz ; Dcl-s cutOff zoned(8:0) ; Dcl-s expiredDate zoned(8:0) ; Dcl-s today date inz ; Dcl-s x int(10) ; Dcl-s count int(10) ; Dcl-s naic char(5) inz('37648') ; Dcl-s envir char(1) inz('P') ; Dcl-s extn char(4) inz('.txt') ; Dcl-s AsciiCodePage uns(10) INZ(819) ; Dcl-s fileCreated ind ; Dcl-s FileDesc int(10) ; Dcl-s bytesRead int(10) ; Dcl-s bytesWrt int(10) ; Dcl-s returnInd ind ; Dcl-s returnInt int(10) ; Dcl-s fileName char(255); Dcl-s msgData char(9999) ; Dcl-s testMsg char(32767); Dcl-s dataRead char(9899) ; Dcl-s comMsg char(132) ; Dcl-s EOR char(2) inz(X'0D25') ; Dcl-s null char(1) inz(X'00') ; Dcl-s OprReply char(1) ; Dcl-s fmDir char(128) ; Dcl-s toDir char(30) ; Dcl-S cmdString char(256) ; Dcl-S failed int(10) ; Dcl-S filePath char(200) ; Dcl-S fullName char(200) ; Dcl-S fullPath char(200) ; Dcl-S i int(5) ; Dcl-S j int(5) ; dcl-S LastSlash zoned(3:0) ; Dcl-S Length packed(5:0) ; Dcl-S spoolNbr char(6) ; Dcl-S toName char(200) ; Dcl-S toPath char(200) ; Dcl-S workField char(26) ; dcl-S pos int(5) ; dcl-S pos2 int(5) ; //*----------------------------------------------------------- //* Start program procedures //*----------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-Proc CSG080RP ; Dcl-PI CSG080RP extPgm('CSG080RP ') ; End-PI ; If not %open(PRTTRANS); Open PRTTRANS ; EndIf; IF nbrRecords < 1 ; quit(); ENDIF; If not %open(CSGLOGPF); Open CSGLOGPF ; EndIf; Read(N) prttrans; workfield = prpdffil ; pos = %scan( '.' : workfield) ; pos2= %scan( '.' : workfield:pos + 1) ; toName = %subst(workfield:1:pos2) + 'TXT' ; pos = %scan( 'B' : toname) ; %subst(toname:pos:1) = 'P' ; toPath = getFolderName() ; fullPath = %trim(toPath) + %trim(toName) ; WriteIFSfile(); Quit() ; RETURN; END-PROC CSG080RP ; //*----------------------------------------------------------- //* Close file and exit //*----------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-Proc Quit ; Dcl-PI Quit End-PI ; Monitor ; Close PRTTRANS ; Close CSGLOGPF ; ReturnInt = close(FileDesc) ; ON-ERROR ; ENDMON; exit(0) ; END-PROC Quit ; //*----------------------------------------------------------- //* Retrieve the destination folder name //*----------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-Proc getFolderName ; Dcl-PI getFolderName char(200) ; END-PI ; Dcl-S thisFolder char(200) ; Dcl-S area char(15) inz('HSSYSTEM') ; Dcl-S element char(25) inz('DOC-') ; Dcl-S x int(5) inz ; x = %scan( 'P' : toName) ; element = %trim(element) + %subst(toName : x + 1 : 1) ; Monitor ; getCSGdestination ( area : element : thisFolder ) ; On-Error ; thisFolder = *blanks; EndMon ; Return thisFolder ; End-Proc getFolderName ; *--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-Proc writeIFSfile ; DCL-pi WriteIFSfile ; End-pi ; *--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-s noMoreRecords ind ; createIFSfile() ; SetLL 1 PRTTRANS ; noMoreRecords = *off; DoU noMoreRecords; READ PRTTRANS inRecord ; If %eof(PRTTRANS) ; noMoreRecords = *on ; Else ; writeDetailRecord() ; eval-corr logRecord = inRecord ; logRecord.prtdate = %dec(%date():*ISO) ; logRecord.prttime = %dec(%time():*HMS) ; write Rcsglog logRecord ; delete PTRANR ; ENDIF ; Enddo ; fileCreated = *On ; return ; End-Proc writeIFSfile ; //*--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-Proc writeDetailRecord ; Dcl-PI writeDetailRecord end-PI ; //*--------------------------------------------------------------- dcl-ds outRecord len(200) End-DS; clear msgData ; clear outRecord ; outRecord = %trim(PRRECTP) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRGUID) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRPOLNUM) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRCLAIM) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRDOCTYP) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRFLD6) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRBRECRE) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRFLD8) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRPDATE) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %char(inRecord.PRPHYPAG) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRCDATE) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRFLD12) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRFLD13) + '|' ; outRecord = %trimR(outrecord) + %trim(inRecord.PRPDFFIL) ; msgData = %trimR(outRecord) + EOR ; BytesWrt = write(FileDesc : %addr(msgData) : %len(%trimR(msgData))) ; Return ; End-Proc writeDetailRecord ; //*--------------------------------------------------------------- Dcl-Proc createIFSfile ; Dcl-PI createIFSfile end-PI ; //*--------------------------------------------------------------- FullName = %trim(FullPath) + null ; //*--------------------------------------------- //* If file exists, quit the program //*--------------------------------------------- Dou FileDesc <> 0 ; FileDesc = access(%addr(fullName): fileDesc) ; IF fileDesc = 0 ; QUIT() ; ENDIF ; EndDo ; //*--------------------------------------------- //* Create the file and set the code page //*--------------------------------------------- FileDesc = open(%addr(FullName) : O_CREAT + O_WRONLY + O_TRUNC + O_CodePage : S_IRWXU + S_IROTH : AsciiCodePage) ; ReturnInt = close(FileDesc) ; //*--------------------------------------------- //* Open the file as text for Read-Write //*--------------------------------------------- FileDesc = open(%addR(FullName) : O_TEXTDATA + O_RDWR) ; Return ; end-Proc createIFSfile ;