SQL Page
SQL and SQLRPGLE functions

Common State Codes
00 |
000 |
Success |
01 |
000 |
Success with warning Disconnect error. Transaction rolled back NULL value eliminated in set function String data, right truncation Insufficient item descriptor areas Privilege not revoked Privilege not granted Database has transactions ANSI-compliant database selected IBM Informix database server selected Float to decimal conversion was used Informix extension to ANSI-compliant syntax UPDATE or DELETE statement does not have a WHERE clause An ANSI keyword was used as a cursor name Cardinalities of the projection list and of the INTO list are not equal Database server running in secondary mode Dataskip is turned on |
02 |
000 |
No data found |
07 |
000 |
Dynamic SQL error |
08 |
000 |
Connection exception |
0A |
000 |
Feature not supported |
21 |
000 |
Cardinality violation |
22 |
000 |
Data exception |
23 |
000 |
Integrity constraint violation |
24 |
000 |
Invalid cursor state |
25 |
000 |
Invalid transaction state |
2B |
000 |
Dependent privilege descriptors still exist |
2D |
000 |
Invalid transaction termination |
26 |
000 |
Invalid SQL statement identifier |
2E |
000 |
Invalid connection name |
28 |
000 |
Invalid user-authorization specification |
33 |
000 |
Invalid SQL descriptor name |
34 |
000 |
Invalid cursor name |
35 |
000 |
Invalid exception number |
37 |
000 |
Syntax error or access violation in PREPARE or EXECUTE IMMEDIATE |
3C |
000 |
Duplicate cursor name |
40 |
000 |
Transaction rollback |
42 |
000 |
Syntax error or access violation |
S0 |
000 |
Invalid name |
S1 |
001 |
Memory allocation failure |
IX |
000 |
Informix reserved error message |