SQL Table Inserts
Inserting a row into a table in SQL

The example below is an SQL function in Net.Data showing the simplest form of an add function, inserting into a table using a values list.
SQL Data Insert
%{ ***************************************************** %} %{ ************ Add record to file ********************* %} %{ ***************************************************** %} %FUNCTION(DTW_SQL) AddRecord(IN pCODE, pDSC, pARA, pTYP ) { Insert into $(tableName) (STDSTS,STDDSC,STDARA,STDTYP,STDDTE,STDTIM,STDUSR,STDPGM) Values ($(pCODE),'$(pDSC)','$(pARA)','$(pTYP)',$(Sys_Date),$(Trn_Time), '$(REMOTE_USER)', 'PNA00047') %message{ -803: "Record already exists!" : continue 0: "Record added." : continue %} %report { %row { %} %} %}
Checking Existence
Inserts can be performed from a table row INTO another table. Example 1 shows a simple insert INTO a table from antoher table, where the row does NOT EXISTs Example 2 shows an insert based WHERE two key fields are IN one table, and WHERE the keys are NOT IN another table.
Example 1. Exec SQL Insert into TEST_DB/PFSPYCMT A Select * from PRD_DB_DS/PFSPYCMT B WHERE not EXISTS (select * from TEST_DB/PFSPYCMT c WHERE c.spysln = spysln.B); Example 2. Exec SQL Insert into WRSCP021 (Select * from OAS_DOCHEAD b Where b.DocCode||b.DocNum IN (select c.DocCode||c.DocNum from WRSCP025 c) And b.doccode||b.docnum Not In (select d.DocCode||d.docNum from WRSCP021 d)) ;