Create Table DDL

Defining a table in DDL

The CREATE TABLE statement defines a table at the current server. The definition must include its name and the names and attributes of its columns. The definition may include other attributes of the table such as primary key. On the IBM Power i system a list of the tables defined may be queried using the SQL statement:

SELECT system_table_name FROM qsys2.systables WHERE table_name = 
'OAS_ELEMENT' and table_schema = 'CODA12TST'                     

SELECT system_table_name, TABLE_NAME FROM qsys2.systables WHERE
table_schema = 'CODA12TST'     

SYSTABLES identifies tables: Long names are in the column table_name, while ten character (short) names are in the column table_name. Table_schema represents the library name.

/*   Loan Supplemental Financial table                                  */     
--DROP TABLE  P3076801/FPMSUPP CASCADE;                                        
CREATE TABLE  P3076801/FPMSUPP                                                 
  Loan                     for FSLOAN   Dec (7,0)  not null default,           
  Transfer                 for FSTXFER  Num (1,0)  not null default,           
  Spread                   for FSSPREAD Char(10)   not null default,           
  DefaultForExcessPayment  for FSDFTADL Char(2)    not null default,           
  LastStatementPrintDate   for FSSTMDT  Timestamp  not null default,           
  InterestOnlyExpiration   for FSINTEXP Date       not null default,           
  SupressStatementPrint    for FSSUSPRT Char(1)    not null default,           
  CreatedBy                for FSENBY   Char(10)   not null default,           
  CreatedIn                for FSENIN   Char(10)   not null default,           
  CreatedOn                for FSENTS   Timestamp  not null default,           
  ChangedBy                for FSUPBY   Char(10)   not null default, 
  ChangedIn                for FSUPIN   Char(10)   not null default,             
  ChangedOn                for FSUPTS   Timestamp  not null default              
  NOT VOLATILE                                                                   
  RCDFMT FPFSUPP;                                                                
RENAME TABLE      FPMSUPP  TO  Loan_Supplemental_Financials                      
  FOR SYSTEM NAME FPMSUPP;                                                       
-- put text descriptions on file and fields                                      
LABEL ON TABLE  FPMSUPP                                                          
    IS 'Loan Supplemental Financial table';                                      
LABEL ON COLUMN  FPMSUPP                                                         
(              --  <--text-visible-in-DBU--><--remainder-of-text---->            
  FSLOAN   text is 'Loan Number',      
  FSTXFER  text is 'Transfer Code',                                            
  FSSPREAD text is 'Spread Method',                                            
  FSDFTADL text is 'Default for additional $ OV=overage, PB-prinbal',          
  FSSTMDT  text is 'Last statement print date',                                
  FSINTEXP text is 'Interest-Only Expiration Date',                            
  FSSUSPRT text is 'Supress Statement Print',                                  
  FSENBY   text is 'Created by User Profile',                                  
  FSENIN   text is 'Created in program',                                       
  FSENTS   text is 'Created on date-time',                                     
  FSUPBY   text is 'Changed by user profile',                                  
  FSUPIN   text is 'Changed in Program',                                       
  FSUPTS   text is 'Changed on date-time'                                      
-- put column headings on file and fields                                      
LABEL ON COLUMN  FPMSUPP                                                       
(         --  <-----col-hdg-1----><-----col-hdg-2----><-----col-hdg-3---->     
  FSLOAN   is 'Loan                ',                                          
  FSTXFER  is 'Tfr                 ',     
  FSSPREAD is 'Spread              Method             ',                            
  FSDFTADL is 'Dft                 Addl                Amt                 ',       
  FSSTMDT  is 'Last                Statement           Date                ',       
  FSINTEXP is 'Interest            Only                Expiration          ',       
  FSSUSPRT is 'Supress             Statement           Print               ',       
  FSENBY   is 'Rcd Added           by User             ',                           
  FSENIN   is 'Rcd Added           in Pgm              ',                           
  FSENTS   is 'Rcd Added           on Date-Time        ',                           
  FSUPBY   is 'Rcd Chged           by User             ',                           
  FSUPIN   is 'Rcd Chged           in Pgm              ',                           
  FSUPTS   is 'Rcd Chged           on Date-Time        '                            
-- add commentary                                                                   
COMMENT ON TABLE  FPMSUPP is                                                        
'This table contains additional financial information for a Loan. A Loan can opt    
ionally have one record here for each Loan in FPMFINC.'                             
COMMENT ON COLUMN  FPMSUPP                                                       
( FSLOAN   is 'Loan Number'                                                      
, FSTXFER  is 'Transfer Code'                                                    
, FSSPREAD is 'Spread Method :: Currently only for HELOCs'                       
, FSDFTADL is 'Default for additional $ OV=overage, PB-prinbal :: What to do wit 
h payment above what is due.  Only for CONVENTIONAL.'                            
, FSSTMDT  is 'Last statement print date'                                        
, FSINTEXP is 'Expiration date of Interest-Only period'                          
, FSSUSPRT is 'Supress statement print'                                          
, FSENBY   is 'Created by User Profile'                                          
, FSENIN   is 'Created in program'                                               
, FSENTS   is 'Created on date-time'                                             
, FSUPBY   is 'Changed by user profile'                                          
, FSUPIN   is 'Changed in Program'                                               
, FSUPTS   is 'Changed on date-time'                                             


This statement can be embedded in an application program or issued interactively. It is an executable statement that can be dynamically prepared.

           '-OR REPLACE-'                     '-FOR SYSTEM NAME--system-object-identifier-'   

        V                                            |        
   |      +-LIKE--+-table-name-+--+--------------+-+      |   
   |      |       '-view-name--'  '-copy-options-' |      |   
   |      +-unique-constraint----------------------+      |   
   |      +-referential-constraint-----------------+      |   
   |      '-check-constraint-----------------------'      |   
   |       '-view-name--'  '-copy-options-'               |   
   |                  '-copy-options-'                    |   

LIKE table


RENAME TABLE      VRWSTMTS  TO  ARM_Current_Statement_Headers

-- put text descriptions on file and fields
    IS 'Statement Header Workfile';

-- add commentary
'This is workfile contains information about Billing Statements being processed.
 A loan should have only one record at most for the current cycle (month) being
billed. Once processed, the records are moved into the Billing Statement Header
(Repository) File.'