SoftCode Applications Continued

Working with User Controls


The command, WRKSFTUSR, provides a maintenance facility to define those users authorized to use soft code functions. The display lists the users defined to the system.User records are stored in the file, SCUSRSPF. The individual control entries are contained in the database file, SCUSRCPF.

SCROYA1    SC0190RP      iSoftwerks Incorporated           SYSNAME   4/02/10   
SCROY      634042        Work With Softcode Users          SC0190C2 09:02:26   
  Type in option, press enter.                Position to:                     
          2=Edit              5=View              8=Controls                   
Op User       Status    Eff Date Exp Date              Email                   
__ SCROY      *active    1/01/01 99/99/99                       
         F1=Help             F3=Exit             F5=Refresh                    
         F9=Add user                                                           
Copyright (c) iSoftwerks, Inc.                                                 

Fig. 8

User Controls

The user controls option provides a method of assigning the user an authority level within the categories defined by the SoftCode application system. A user may be assigned different levels of authority within the various categories defined in the system. A user may be an administrator in Customer Service, but allowed Special Operations rights in the Accounting area.

 SCROYA1    SC0290RP        iSoftwerks Incorporated         SYSNAME   4/02/10   
 SCROY      634042        Work with controls for SCROY      SC0290C2 09:03:43
 Options: 1=Add               2=Edit              4=Delete                      
 Op Cat     Category Description          Lvl      Level Description            
 __   0                                   000                                   
 __ 100 Customer Relations                500 Operational Security              
 __ 200 Financial Services                800 System Level Security             
 __ 400 Inventory                         800 System Level Security             
 __ 450 Purchasing                        800 System Level Security             
 __ 500 Information Systems               700 Administrative Security            
 __ 600 Administration                    400 Manager Level 2 Security          
 __ 700 Executive                         300 Manager Level 1 Security          
          F3=Exit             F5=Refresh                                        
 Copyright (c) iSoftwerks, Inc.                                                 

Fig. 9

SoftCode Users Table

The a user profile must be entered in the SoftCode user table pass the security gate check. The file is simple, but does provide for a substitute user profile entry.

     A* PHYSICAL FILE- SCUSRSPF                                      *
     A*                                                              *
     A* FUNCTION     - This file provides a list of users defined    *
     A*                to the application security system.           *
     A*                                                              *
     A* PROGRAMMER   - Steve Croy        10/11/05                    *
     A*               FILE ATTRIBUTE SECTION                         *
     A*                                                              *
     A*  KEY FIELDS: MSUSER, MSEDTE                                  *
     A*  MAXMBRS   : 1                                               *
     A*                                                              *
     A                                      UNIQUE
     A          R RSCUSRS                   TEXT('Security User File')
     A            MSUSRP        10A         COLHDG('User' 'ID')
     A                                      TEXT('User ID')
     A            MSSUSR        10A         COLHDG('Substitute' 'User'  'ID')
     A                                      TEXT('Substitute User ID')
     A            MSEDTE         8S 0       COLHDG('Eff' 'Date')
     A            MSXDTE         8S 0       COLHDG('Exp' 'Date')
     A            MSSTAT         1A         COLHDG('Status' 'Code')
     A                                      TEXT('Status Code')
     A            MSMAIL        50A         COLHDG('Email address')
     A                                      TEXT('Email Address')
     A          K MSUSRP
     A          K MSEDTE

The effective date is tested by the security function. The effective date is generally considered to be the date the profile was entered into the table. The expiration date is used to disable the profile--without deleting the record from the table.