RPG with SQL
RPG can use SQL to add flexibility.

SQL Options
SET OPTION overrides compile keywords in the same manner as CTL-OPT does for RPG compiler options. It also offers some keywords that are not on the CRTBNDPGM command.
Keyword | Description |
ALWBLK | pecifies whether the database manager can use row blocking |
ALWCPYDTA | Specifies whether a copy of the data can be used in a SELECT statement. |
CLOSQLCSR | Specifies when SQL cursors are implicitly closed |
COMMIT | determines use of commitment control within the program |
COMPILEOPT | overrides/specifies compiler options |
CONACC | Specifies the concurrent access resolution to use for select statements |
DATFMT | determines the format for dates |
DATSEP | determines the format for date separator characters |
DBGVIEW | allows you to specify *NONE, *SOURCE, *STMT and *LIST |
DECFLTRND | Specifies the DECFLOAT rounding mode used for static SQL statements |
DECMPT | Specifies the symbol that you want to represent the decimal point |
DECRESULT | Specifies the precision & scale, and minimum divide scale used for decimal operations |
DFTRDBCOL | default schema name used for the unqualified names of tables, views, indexes, and SQL packages |
DLYPRP | Specifies whether the dynamic statement validation for a PREPARE statement is delayed |
DYNDFTCOL | schema name specified for the DFTRDBCOL parameter is also used for dynamic statements |
DYNUSRPRF | the user profile to be used for dynamic SQL statements |
EVENTF | Specifies whether an event file will be generated |
EXTIND | specifies how to treat indicator variable values passed for SQL statements |
LANGID | the language identifier to be used when SRTSEQ(*LANGIDUNQ) or SRTSEQ(*LANGIDSHR) is specified |
MONITOR | specifies whether the statements should be identified as user or system, when a database monitor is run |
NAMING | Specifies naming convention to be used (*SYS or *SQL) |
OPTLOB | specifies whether accesses to XML and LOBs can be optimized when accessing through DRDA |
OUTPUT | specifies whether the precompiler and compiler listings are generated. |
RDBCNNMTH | Specifies the semantics used for CONNECT statements |
SQLCA | specifies whether the fields in an SQLCA will be set after each SQL statement. |
SQLCURRULE | specifies the semantics used for SQL statements (*DB2 or *STD) |
SQLPATH | Specifies the path to be used to find procedures, functions, and user defined types in static SQL statements |
SRTSEQ | secifies the collating sequence table to be used for string comparisons in SQL statements |
TGTRLS | specifies the release of the operating system (VxRxMx) |
TIMFMT | determines the format for the time used when accessing time result columns |
TIMSEP | determines the format for time separators |
USRPRF | the user profile to be used when the program is run, including the authority |
This is an example of a program that has SQL instructions embedded in the RPG source code.
ctl-Opt DEBUG(*YES) OPTION(*SRCSTMT : *NODEBUGIO) DFTACTGRP(*NO) Main(CSG076RP) EXTBININT(*YES) ActGrp('DLYRPT') BndDir( 'QC2LE' ); ******************************************************************** * Program Name : CSG076RP * * Program Description : CSG NCOA return summary * * Date : 1/22/19 * * Author : Steve Croy * ******************************************************************** * * * Modification Log * * * * Project Marker Date Description * * * ******************************************************************** Dcl-F CSG076PR printer(*ext) oflind(*in76) usropn ; Dcl-PR Exit Extproc('exit') ; *N uns(3:0) value ; End-PR; Dcl-DS textRecords Occurs(100); inCode char(4) ; codTxt char(50) ; trans zoned(7:0) ; charge zoned(7:2) ; END-DS; Dcl-C SQLstsOK '00000' ; Dcl-C SQLstsEOF '02000' ; Dcl-S rows int(10) ; Dcl-S rowCount int(10) ; Dcl-S x int(10) ; Dcl-S billable zoned(9:2) ; Dcl-S records int(10) ; Dcl-S firstDate date ; Dcl-S lastDate date ; Dcl-S dateToday date ; Exec SQL set option Commit = *None, Naming = *Sys, DECRESULT = (63, 63, 0), datfmt = *ISO ; Dcl-Proc CSG076RP ; Dcl-PI *N extPgm('CSG076RP') ; startDate char(8) const options(*NoPASS) ; EndDate char(8) const options(*NoPASS) ; END-PI; Monitor ; If %parms < 2 ; firstDate = %date() ; lastDate = firstDate + %days(1) ; Else ; firstDate = %date(startDate:*ISO0) ; lastDate = %date(endDate:*ISO0) ; Endif ; On-error ; exit(0) ; EndMon ; Clear *all TextRecords ; rowCount = 0 ; records = 0 ; Exec SQL Close csg076c1 ; //* create cursor for report Exec SQL Declare csg076c1 insensitive cursor for ( Select a.ncrtnc, a.ncdesc, count(*) as returns, sum(a.ncchrg) as charge From csgrtnpf a, csgncapf b Where a.ncrtnc = b.ncnrtn and date(b.ncents) Between :firstDate and :lastDate Group By a.ncrtnc, a.ncdesc ) ; Exec SQL Open csg076c1 ; EXEC SQL get diagnostics :rows = db2_number_rows; If not %open(csg076pr) ; open csg076pr ; EndIf ; write csg076h1 ; // Write title line write csg076h2 ; // Write report heading If rows > 0 ; Exec SQL fetch csg076c1 for :rows rows into :textRecords ; Exec SQL Close csg076c1 ; For x = 1 to rows ; %occur(textRecords) = x ; write csg076d1 ; billable += charge ; EndFor ; EndIf; write csg076t1 ; // Write total line IF %open(csg076pr) ; close csg076pr ; EndIf ; *InLR = *On; exit(0) ; Return ; End-Proc CSG076RP ;