Display without Subfile

DDS to create full-screen display without subfile.

Device Files

The Create Device File (CRTDSPF) command may be used to create a DISPLAY file. The device file contains the file description, which identifies the device used and, optionally, the record formats used by the device (if specified in data description specifications (DDS)); the device file does not contain data. The display device file sends records to one or more display devices associated with the device file, and to receive records from the display devices.

Full 5250 Panel

Depending on the DDS, a display file may paint an entire 5250 panel, or using specific keywords, overlay an existing 5250 display with a pop-up window. The DDS on this page is a full-screen display, without windows keywords. It has a subfile, though not a subfile for a list presentation. The subfile format defined on this DDS functions as a message queue.

Common User Access

The example below is based on a common skeleton for displays. In preparation to use the softcoded functions described on the DESIGN page of the iSoftwerks Factory, the function keys are defined at the file level. It is one that follows a standard pattern. The panel layout follows the same rules as IBM display panels--what used to be termed CUA (Common User Access). The heading are the first two lines of the panel. Data is presented following the heading and the function keys are listed the bottom of the display.

Adopting a standard is a sound practice. If the UI presentation is consistent, once a user learns how to navigate one interactive session, they have learned to navigate all standard applications. If the standard follows the IBM rules of UI presentation, it becomes possible to mix and match application panels and system panels without fear of confusing the user community.

     A*  DISPLAY NAME - SC0335DF                                         *
     A*                                                                  *
     A*  FUNCTION    - This display provides a maintenance panel for     *
     A*                object entries.                                   *
     A*                                                                  *
     A*  PROGRAMMER   - STEVE CROY                                       *
     A*               FILE ATTRIBUTE SECTION                             *
     A*                                                                  *
     A*  RSTDSP    : *YES                                                *
     A*  MAXDEV    : 1                                                   *
     A*                                                                  *
     A*                   MODIFICATION LOG                               *
     A*                                                                  *
     A*   DATE   PROGRAMMER      DESCRIPTION                             *
     A                                      DSPSIZ(24 80 *DS3                  -
     A                                             27 132 *DS4)
     A                                      PRINT
     A                                      INDARA
     A                                      CF01
     A                                      CF02
     A                                      CA03
     A                                      CF04
     A                                      CF05
     A                                      CF06
     A                                      CF07
     A                                      CF08
     A                                      CF09
     A                                      CF10
     A                                      CF11
     A                                      CF12
     A                                      CF13
     A                                      CF14
     A                                      CF15
     A                                      CF16
     A                                      CF17
     A                                      CF18
     A                                      CF19
     A                                      CF20
     A                                      CF21
     A                                      CF22
     A                                      CF23
     A                                      CF24
     A                                      ROLLUP(90)
     A                                      ROLLDOWN(91)
     A                                      HOME
     A                                      HELP
     A          R SC033501
     A*%%TS  SD  20100106  081113  SCROY       REL-V5R4M0  5722-WDS
     A                                      BLINK
     A                                      OVERLAY
     A                                      CSRLOC(#ROW       #COL)
     A            #ROW           3S 0H
     A            #COL           3S 0H
     A            R1             3S 0H
     A            C1             3S 0H
     A            CHGFLDS        1A  P
     A            KEYFLDS        1A  P
     A            CMDFLDS        1A  P
     A            STSFLDS        1   P
     A            JOBNAM        10A  O  1  2COLOR(BLU)
     A            PRGNAM        10A  O  1 13COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  1 27'   iSoftwerks, Inc   '
     A                                  1 61SYSNAME
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  1 70DATE
     A                                      EDTCDE(Y)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            USER          10A  O  2  2COLOR(BLU)
     A            JOBNBR         6A  O  2 13COLOR(BLU)
     A            Z$SEQ1        30A  O  2 23DSPATR(HI)
     A            FMTNAM         8A  O  2 61COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  2 70TIME
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            Z$MODE        10A  O  3 61
     A                                  4  2'Object........:'
     A            ZFOBNM    R        B  4 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXOBNM *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&KEYFLDS)
     A                                  5  2'Object type...:'
     A            ZFOBTP    R        B  5 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXOBTP *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&KEYFLDS)
     A                                  6  2'Description...:'
     A            ZFDESC    R        B  6 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXDESC *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      CHECK(LC)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                  7  2'Obj category..:'
     A            ZFCATS    R        B  7 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXCATS *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                      EDTCDE(Z)
     A                                  8  2'Obj sequence..:'
     A            ZFCSEQ    R        B  8 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXCSEQ *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                      EDTCDE(Z)
     A            EXPROC    R        O  8 35REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXPROC *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&STSFLDS)
     A            ZFSTAT        30   O  8 38DSPATR(&STSFLDS)
     A                                  9  2'Obj source....:'
     A            ZFOBSR    R        B  9 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXOBSR *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                  9 37'Added'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  9 48'Changed'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                  9 59'Processed'
     A                                      DSPATR(HI)
     A                                 10  2'Source member.:'
     A            ZFOMBR    R        B 10 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXOMBR *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A            ZFADDT    R        O 10 35REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXADDT *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      EDTWRD('    /  /  ')
     A            ZFCHDT    R        O 10 47REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXCHDT *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      EDTWRD('    /  /  ')
     A            ZFPRDT    R        O 10 59REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXPRDT *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      EDTWRD('    /  /  ')
     A                                 11  2'Source lib....:'
     A            ZFOBSL    R        B 11 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXOBSL *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A            ZFADTM    R        O 11 35REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXADTM *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      EDTWRD('  :  :  ')
     A            ZFCHTM    R        O 11 47REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXCHTM *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      EDTWRD('  :  :  ')
     A            ZFPRTM    R        O 11 59REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXPRTM *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      EDTWRD('  :  :  ')
     A                                 12  2'Object lib....:'
     A            ZFOBLB    R        B 12 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXOBLB *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A            ZFADUS    R        O 12 35REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXADUS *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A            ZFCHUS    R        O 12 47REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXCHUS *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A            ZFPRUS    R        O 12 59REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXPRUS *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                 13  2'Compile Y/N...:'
     A            ZFCOMP    R        B 13 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXCOMP *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                 14  2'Move obj Y/N..:'
     A            ZFMOVO    R        B 14 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXMOVO *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                 15  2'Move src Y/N..:'
     A            ZFMOVS    R        B 15 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXMOVS *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A                                 16  2'Use Alt cmd...:'
     A            ZFACMD    R        B 16 18REFFLD(RSCOBJS/EXACMD *LIBL/SCOBJSP-
     A                                      F)
     A                                      DSPATR(&CHGFLDS)
     A            ZFC001        60A  O 17 11DSPATR(&CMDFLDS)
     A            ZFC002        60A  O 18 11DSPATR(&CMDFLDS)
     A            ZFC003        60A  O 19 11DSPATR(&CMDFLDS)
     A            ZFC004        60A  O 20 11DSPATR(&CMDFLDS)
     A            ZFC005        16A  O 21 11DSPATR(&CMDFLDS)
     A            Z$KEY1        60A  O 22 11COLOR(BLU)
     A            Z$KEY2        60A  O 23 11COLOR(BLU)
     A          R SC0335S2                  SFL
     A                                      SFLMSGRCD(24)
     A            MSGKEY                    SFLMSGKEY
     A            PRGNAM                    SFLPGMQ
     A          R SC0335C2                  SFLCTL(SC0335S2)
     A                                      SFLSIZ(2) SFLPAG(1)
     A  59                                  SFLEND
     A  59                                  SFLDSP
     A                                      SFLDSPCTL
     A N59                                  SFLCLR
     A  59                                  SFLINZ
     A            PRGNAM                    SFLPGMQ

Standard Heading

There is a valid reason for adopting a standard heading. The following code shows that the job name, program name, user name and job number are a part of the standard heading (along with a system name, date and time). This can short circuit trouble-shooting a reported problem. A screen capture will tell an analyst what program to examine, and what statement to begin the search (the last record format read!). Including the system name will identify whether the error occurred in the production environment or in on a test system.

     A            JOBNAM        10A  O  1  2COLOR(BLU)
     A            PRGNAM        10A  O  1 13COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  1 27'   iSoftwerks, Inc   '
     A                                  1 61SYSNAME
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  1 70DATE
     A                                      EDTCDE(Y)
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            USER          10A  O  2  2COLOR(BLU)
     A            JOBNBR         6A  O  2 13COLOR(BLU)
     A            Z$SEQ1        30A  O  2 23DSPATR(HI)
     A            FMTNAM         8A  O  2 61COLOR(BLU)
     A                                  2 70TIME
     A                                      COLOR(BLU)
     A            Z$MODE        10A  O  3 61

This kind of code is not a requirement but it can save time and grief when it comes to debugging and testing interactive applications.