RPG with SQL

RPG can use SQL to add flexibility.

SQL Options

SET OPTION overrides compile keywords in the same manner as CTL-OPT does for RPG compiler options. It also offers some keywords that are not on the CRTBNDPGM command.

       Exec sql
          set option
              Commit = *None,
              Naming = *Sys,
              DECRESULT = (63, 63, 0),
              CLOSQLCSR = *ENDMOD,
              TIMFMT = *USA,
              DatFmt = *ISO 
                            ALWNULL(*USRCTL) +
                            DFTACTGRP(*NO) +
                            BNDDIR(*LIBL/TEST) +
                            DBGVIEW(*LIST)' ;


Keyword Description
ALWBLK pecifies whether the database manager can use row blocking
ALWCPYDTA Specifies whether a copy of the data can be used in a SELECT statement.
CLOSQLCSR Specifies when SQL cursors are implicitly closed
COMMIT determines use of commitment control within the program
COMPILEOPT overrides/specifies compiler options
CONACC Specifies the concurrent access resolution to use for select statements
DATFMT determines the format for dates
DATSEP determines the format for date separator characters
DBGVIEW allows you to specify *NONE, *SOURCE, *STMT and *LIST
DECFLTRND Specifies the DECFLOAT rounding mode used for static SQL statements
DECMPT Specifies the symbol that you want to represent the decimal point
DECRESULT Specifies the precision & scale, and minimum divide scale used for decimal operations
DFTRDBCOL default schema name used for the unqualified names of tables, views, indexes, and SQL packages
DLYPRP Specifies whether the dynamic statement validation for a PREPARE statement is delayed
DYNDFTCOL schema name specified for the DFTRDBCOL parameter is also used for dynamic statements
DYNUSRPRF the user profile to be used for dynamic SQL statements
EVENTF Specifies whether an event file will be generated
EXTIND specifies how to treat indicator variable values passed for SQL statements
LANGID the language identifier to be used when SRTSEQ(*LANGIDUNQ) or SRTSEQ(*LANGIDSHR) is specified
MONITOR specifies whether the statements should be identified as user or system, when a database monitor is run
NAMING Specifies naming convention to be used (*SYS or *SQL)
OPTLOB specifies whether accesses to XML and LOBs can be optimized when accessing through DRDA
OUTPUT specifies whether the precompiler and compiler listings are generated.
RDBCNNMTH Specifies the semantics used for CONNECT statements
SQLCA specifies whether the fields in an SQLCA will be set after each SQL statement.
SQLCURRULE specifies the semantics used for SQL statements (*DB2 or *STD)
SQLPATH Specifies the path to be used to find procedures, functions, and user defined types in static SQL statements
SRTSEQ secifies the collating sequence table to be used for string comparisons in SQL statements
TGTRLS specifies the release of the operating system (VxRxMx)
TIMFMT determines the format for the time used when accessing time result columns
TIMSEP determines the format for time separators
USRPRF the user profile to be used when the program is run, including the authority

This is an example of a program that has SQL instructions embedded in the RPG source code.

          ActGrp('DLYRPT') BndDir( 'QC2LE' );

      *  Program Name         : CSG076RP                                 *
      *  Program Description  : CSG NCOA return summary                  *
      *  Date                 : 1/22/19                                  *
      *  Author               : Steve Croy                               *
      *                                                                  *
      *                  Modification Log                                *
      *                                                                  *
      *  Project  Marker Date       Description                          *
      *                                                                  *

       Dcl-F CSG076PR printer(*ext) oflind(*in76) usropn ;

       Dcl-PR Exit     Extproc('exit') ;
            *N       uns(3:0) value  ;

       Dcl-DS textRecords               Occurs(100);
         inCode    char(4)  ;
         codTxt    char(50) ;
         trans   zoned(7:0) ;
         charge  zoned(7:2) ;

       Dcl-C SQLstsOK            '00000' ;
       Dcl-C SQLstsEOF           '02000' ;

       Dcl-S rows                int(10) ;
       Dcl-S rowCount            int(10) ;
       Dcl-S x                   int(10) ;
       Dcl-S billable        zoned(9:2)  ;
       Dcl-S records             int(10) ;
       Dcl-S firstDate           date    ;
       Dcl-S lastDate            date    ;
       Dcl-S dateToday           date    ;

         Exec SQL
            set option
            Commit = *None,
            Naming = *Sys,
            DECRESULT = (63, 63, 0),
            datfmt = *ISO        ;

       Dcl-Proc CSG076RP ;

         Dcl-PI *N                  extPgm('CSG076RP')        ;
            startDate  char(8)      const options(*NoPASS)    ;
            EndDate    char(8)      const options(*NoPASS)    ;

         Monitor                              ;
         If %parms < 2                        ;
           firstDate = %date()                ;
           lastDate = firstDate + %days(1)    ;
         Else                                 ;
           firstDate = %date(startDate:*ISO0) ;
           lastDate = %date(endDate:*ISO0)    ;
         Endif                                ;
         On-error                             ;
           exit(0)                            ;
         EndMon                               ;

         Clear *all TextRecords  ;
         rowCount      = 0       ;
         records       = 0       ;

         Exec SQL Close csg076c1 ;

         //* create cursor for report

            Exec SQL
              Declare csg076c1 insensitive cursor for
               ( Select
                   a.ncrtnc, a.ncdesc, count(*) as returns,
                   sum(a.ncchrg) as charge
                 From csgrtnpf a, csgncapf b
                 Where a.ncrtnc = b.ncnrtn and date(b.ncents)
                 Between :firstDate and :lastDate
                 Group By a.ncrtnc, a.ncdesc ) ;

            Exec SQL Open  csg076c1 ;
            EXEC SQL
              get diagnostics :rows = db2_number_rows;

         If not %open(csg076pr) ;
            open  csg076pr  ;
         EndIf              ;

         write csg076h1     ; // Write title line
         write csg076h2     ; // Write report heading

         If rows > 0 ;

            Exec SQL fetch csg076c1 for :rows rows into :textRecords ;
            Exec SQL Close csg076c1 ;

            For x = 1 to rows                           ;
               %occur(textRecords) = x                  ;
               write csg076d1                           ;
               billable += charge                       ;
            EndFor                                      ;


         write csg076t1     ; // Write total line

         IF %open(csg076pr) ;
            close csg076pr  ;
         EndIf              ;

         *InLR = *On;
         exit(0) ;
         Return ;

       End-Proc CSG076RP ; 

Performance and query optimization impacts

The default setting of ASENSITIVE is the best performing option because it allows the query optimizer to use its complete set of algorithms when deciding on the best method for implementing a query. Utilization of an algorithm that makes a copy of the data (e.g., hashing) can drastically improve performance and other queries where performance is better when copies of the data are avoided. The ASENSITIVE setting gives the query optimizer the freedom to choose the best performing method. The SENSITIVE and INSENSITVE cursor settings can force the optimizer into a plan that is sub-optimal from a performance point of view. The SENSITIVE setting eliminates the usage of temporary data copies by the optimizer; this also prevents parallel processing since the DB2 Symmetric MultiProcessing (DB2 SMP) feature makes copies of the table data. The INSENSITIVE setting forces a copy of the table data whether it it is good for performance or not. Thus, the INSENSITIVE and SENSITIVE cursor settings should be used only when the associated cursor behavior is absolutely required by the application.